Jackel Quarry

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DunkinMyCookies, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Jackel Quarry

    created by, LetalisCarbine9

    Welcome to Jackel Quarry home of the teleporter! That's right! You see back in 2067 the United States government began billion dollar funding for the invention of teleporters. The project seemed to run flawlessly until one day something strange occured... One of the scientists stepped into the teleporter for daily testing and as he stepped out he began mutating rapidly. Day after day he was shedding skin, becoming skin tone darker and darker, and had random cravings for flesh. This was the epidemic that forced abandonment upon the facility. Now you and your squad are here to silence the mutated freaks and bring peace back to this rotted quarry.

    You may now be thinking to yourself oh boy its that kid that made a somewhat cool monster trucks map who can't even interlock, or great another stupid ghost town map, the first one sucked anyways. Well I must say if that's what's running through your mind I'm gonna change that. This Infection map features some clever new ideas that will probably be seen in future maps. The humans spawn in the that one room everyone camps in on the living dead playlist, you know which one right? Well right at the start is a teleporter obviously you know what you have to do, walk through it. Where it brings you? Well that's the clever part, the one teleporter at the start will bring you to one of three different reciever nodes throughout the map. Each area is encosed and that is where the humans come in, a zombie comes through the door, let em have it. The zombies on the other hand spawn in a hallway, down the hall is a tele that brings you to the human room, the reason for this is the zombies wait 45 sec for a grav lift to move their obstuction so the humans should make it through in time. (Don't worry, in each area once the humans are dead there is a way to leave the area, i added sender nodes a bit after the screenshots were taken)

    Detailed Weapons List

    The Bunker:
    SMG 2clip 45sec
    Magnum 1clip 60sec
    Shotgun 1clip 90sec

    Tree Fort:
    SMG 1clip 60sec
    Magnum clip 45sec
    Flamethrower 120sec
    Sentinel Beam 90sec

    Survival Woods:
    Trip Mine 90sec
    Overshield 150sec
    magnum x2 (1clip 60sec / 0clip 45sec)
    Shotgun x2 (1clip 90sec/ 0clip 60sec
    SMG x2 (both 1clip 45 / 60sec)
    Sniper Rifle 0clip 120sec
    Covenant Carbine x2 0clip 60sec

    Well, it's up to you to DL... here's your motivation.

    The Bunker

    The not-so hidden shotty

    Bunker Overview

    The Tree Fort




    The Woods (why yes when you step out of the tele, camo pickup, woods = stealthy)

    Woods Tower, sniper in tree

    Woods shack

    Tunnel in Woods


    Human Spawn
    Humans will want to go through the two way without wasting time, to survive, the receiver, gravlift combo will become obvious itself while the game lingers on.
    Zombie Spawn
    No Entry...yet
    A 45 second wait equals....
    The sender the zombies wait to go in ends here in this room, the gravlift prevents the zombies from getting camped

    Well there you have it! :]

    This will require the gametype Quarry Infect.


    rep, constructive criticism appreciated

    #1 DunkinMyCookies, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2008
  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you wanna see more, I'll add more screens + a detailed weapons list after school.
  3. Cleaverkurd

    Cleaverkurd Ancient
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    This looks like a pretty cool map, i like the tele into stealth and the "not so hidden weapons" and the fact it isnt on foundry. 4.75/5
    But I also just noticed its infection and that makes it better in my book.
  4. TKA2275

    TKA2275 Ancient
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    It looks like a pretty cool map 4.95/5 and its good to see that people make maps on other maps instead of foundry all the time.
  5. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This map looks good, I will come back with a review when I have played it. ;) For now, It's a 4/5, And more pictures would help.

    EDIT: Very fun for infection indeed, I would give you +Rep but I'm warned so. :( But When my warning has expired, I will give you +rep. I hope to see more from you in the future. and BTW, its a 4.5/5 now.
    #5 STEClash96, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  6. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    original post has been updated****
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I like the idea that this map wasnt created on foundry for it does look nice
    I am glad you took time on your post to make it look nice, however you cant see the light green font if you have your skin on old school.
    Looks nice ill see if I can get on and test it a little bit more with you.

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