But Call of duty sucks!! I would be upset if they gave that to me .. I would ask for GoW2!! GoW2 FTW!!
I actually feel unbeilevably smug for the fact that I got Halo 3 two days before release. I have a pic, proof is meh but I still bought it.
I got it a week pre-release. Not that hard. The online servers weren't up until the release date, though.
Does it really matter if he gets it early? He's already a millionaire (if he isn't already) with all those ads he's gonna do. Man, a sixty buck game isn't really gonna help him...
Wait, everyone does know he didn't actually get the game, he simply got a case with an "I owe you" in it?
for what you guys are saying that you suck and all those stuff he defenently deserve this award see i got a picture of him in halo too lol!