The Incinerator: Puzzle Map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Tut tuT OS, Aug 31, 2008.


How was the/ puzzles / asthetic quality / originality?

  1. Super :P

    1 vote(s)
  2. Great :)

    2 vote(s)
  3. Enertaining :/

    3 vote(s)
  4. Needs Work :(

    2 vote(s)
  5. Fail :{

    0 vote(s)
  1. Tut tuT OS

    Tut tuT OS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You wake with faint sence of uneasiness. "Where am I?", you ask. "Stranded... stranded..." An echoing voice crys.
    Untold amount of time passes, no food, no water... Yet, you feel no hunger or thirst. Eventually you forget where you originally came from. "Did I have family?" "Did I have a job?"...."Has everyone forgotten about me?" Questions that would never be answered.

    It's been some time since you heard the echoing voice. You had almost for gotten about it. When..."Light me.. LIGHT ME!". Cried the voice. "Raise the fires of Hell inside me". You don't know why, obey.
    [​IMG]This is my first map I'm submitting on these forums, please be kind. And Please don't mind my bad grammer.

    Ok, My map is a little more open ended than most... yet still linear.
    The Goal of the map is to light the Incinerator... thats it. But it's not really that simple. Though the map is kinda short, it offers a bit of a challenge as most of the puzzle are a testiment of skill as well as smarts.

    You know the Incinerator is lit when when alot of stuff goes BooM.
    There are 4 rooms. Each room has a purpose... Key items are required to set off the Incinerator. Also key items are required to obtain key items, Pay attention. Ghost Jumping and equipment jumping are required skills needed :)

    Estimated time of completion if your not aware of what to do is about 1hr.
    Estimated time of completion with full knowledge 8mins.

    [​IMG]The Incinerator



    Teh Map: :)
    Teh Game: :)
    How to Beat :)
    #1 Tut tuT OS, Aug 31, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  2. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    This is my review of the map: 4/5
    Ok first off good original name. according to what you say it describes the map good. Some improvwments though could be more pics on this thread showing us more of the map, how many rooms, etc.

    Also some maps come with hints or guides. Maybe you could add hits if no one can solve it (but they probably can if you say they can), but other than that from the few pics i can tell it is made very good and very good interlocking on a couple of pics and you did a good job lining up all the object neatfully.
  3. Tut tuT OS

    Tut tuT OS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I suppose your right. I'm just goin to beat it and put it on my file share.
  4. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

    Senior Member

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    pretty cool, i like puzzle maps and stuff, but could you put more pics, and with people doing the map. also put some descrpitions for you pics plz. 4/5 keep forging and peace and saftey my friend.
  5. Tut tuT OS

    Tut tuT OS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, In all honesty I think my map is pretty nice for it only being my 2nd map. I want to prove it's a repectable map. If any one would be interested in me doing a walk through of it with them just send a message to my Tag letting me know.

    And it would be more of a favor to me than anything. Cause I feel like my ideas are good but... I lack much of the Forge skills required to do what I really would like. In addition to this I would like to say that I'm making another map that I will be calling "Army of two". So be prepared for my 3rd attempt at a Puzzle map :)

    Seriouly, I want to show my map off... so please some one in this community with a good reputation come and let me give you a walk through :(.
  6. criggs3c

    criggs3c Ancient
    Senior Member

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    kl, good first post, nice and neat, good interlocking and youve roped me in by using the word puzzle, i love puzzle maps =) 4/5 and a dl, good work
  7. ChrisV41

    ChrisV41 Ancient
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    Quick question what is this "ghost jumping" you speak of? And by the way, it looks very well put together, I will definately check it out.
  8. ChocalateDog

    ChocalateDog Ancient
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    I really don't know what to do. My cousins and I are trying and are just confused. We went through two different teleporters, each leading to the same spot. And we're in a box we can't get out of.
  9. That One Addict

    That One Addict Ancient
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    Wow, sounds cool I thought of doing a map like this a long time ago, but i couldn't pull my ideas together back then. It looks like this is good I have Dl'ed and ik will repost when i have completed it or need assistance
  10. criggs3c

    criggs3c Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ahhhhhhhhhhhh, i cannot figure it out, i know how to unblock the teleporter by using the football, and ive found the radar jammer, but after that, i dont kow what the hell to do. a few hints would be helpful please =)
  11. Tut tuT OS

    Tut tuT OS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    "ahhhhhhhhhhhh, i cannot figure it out, i know how to unblock the teleporter by using the football, and ive found the radar jammer, but after that, i dont kow what the hell to do. a few hints would be helpful please =)"

    Well, at this part speed is the key. The radar jammer is your best friend... plus its the ultimate equipment jumper ;). But think about it's applications beyond just one jump...
  12. Tut tuT OS

    Tut tuT OS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've put a link to my file share with a film of me beating my map. It will be in the main post below the map link. And please forgive me for having to do many of the puzzles twice.... its best to fast forward through the repeat moments. :O)
  13. ZAXLAX

    ZAXLAX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think u need 2 add mor pigs of the different rooms in the map. I love the name. 4.5/5
  14. Tut tuT OS

    Tut tuT OS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    did anyone ever figure out this map on their own?
  15. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Me editing this post is eminent--I do not want to rate this puzzle map until I have played and beaten this map. Off to my Xbox!!

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