Delta Granick: This weapon facility was abandoned after the Covenant left the city permanently powerless. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The map is based on a fictional abandoned weapon facility, the original design is what you see here. The map is one of my very few Asymmetrical maps that is well played on one-flag and so on, although it has been tuned to fit all game types including Infection.: Well this is not my my first map but it is a map that I actually took time on in construction. So I decided to post this map again since I removed the pictures off my old one. There are a couple of features that make this map aesthetic, considering that I built the whole entire outer and unreachable weapon supplies outside of the map. When I first built the map I did it on a budget map, it was a huge and costly mistake in my part as it left the whole entire land under the bridge completely barren. I did not do this out of laziness and I did understand the error, and am planning on remaking the map with an unlimited budget map next time. The map supports all regular game types and even infection as I added some asymmetrical features. My brother built a large portion of the attackers base and added the roof over the defenders base. He also helped me with game play which is why I added the underground one-way entrance and added some extra cover on the bridge. Control over areas like the sniper tower and the secret entrance can help tremendously. In the cave is a shotgun which can be used to defend the entrance of the underground entrance or can be used to attack from within the cave. So control over the cave might be useful, then there is the snipers tower which gives you a clear view of the entire map (Well most of it) along with a skilled marksman the tower is a key strategic point in the map. On the attackers base there is also a sniper rifle, it is suggested that the player who controls the sniper rifle retreat back to the short wall and crouch. It offers protection from leveled units and even protection from the enemy sniper. There is also a rocket launcher which can be used to kill or to remove the items from the bridges. Sadly you can grenade jump out of the map, but only through the attackers side. Additional info: Grenades have been added onto the map, and there is a turret in the attackers base in asymmetrical game types. The weapons on the outside of the map are 100% unreachable and there is no return even if a player manages to get out. There is nothing underneath the bridge but a single spawn point (In case of an overrun from the defenders). Pictures The Picture below is the main Aesthetic feature with in the battlefield. A key strategy point for defenders the: Sniper Spawn The Entrance to the secret entrance, inside is a shotgun that will make your ambush more effective. A strategic value if the front is well defended, you can see the Sniper Spawn: Secret Entrance Exit The attackers spawn is simple yet constructive enough to offer protection from defenders. The first weapon the Attackers will see on the bridge is a rocket launcher, use it wisely.
Well, the map is ok at first look, but gets better if you take the time to really look at it. There are some minor non-interlocked spots, but that doesn't make a difference. I like the underground are and the area near the invisiblity but this just isn't my type of map... Good job though. EDIT: Talk about a double whammy. I got my 400th post and your 4th bar of rep, haha. (You guys don't understand the whole story. )
Not bad. I like the triple bridge running through the middle. It does look like it was made for team one sided games. But it looks way to empty. I'll try the budget glitched version when it comes out. I just want to say that... I can't read the description.
I must say i disagree with the comments above, looks like a very nice map. I would say that one sided game types would be pushing it however for infection this would rock! I love your great use of interlocking and at 600 posts i am quite glad to see you post a map! I hope you keep forging this looks very nice. 4/5 (i voted 5 on thing so that it would average to 4 and my vote would win! Keep Forging!
I like your map Radiant, Cool layout, and pretty pleasing in most spots, but there is some sloppy interlocking, and since you interlocked so much I think its okay for me to ccomment on it. Some of the double boxes that are interlockingsideways-ish , like this ---/--- are a little messy and could be cleaned up.
Gameplay for infection doesn't seem so fun because Their seems to be some open spaces. The map looks a bit plain though, I would like to so creative things on the map. The thing I do like on the map though, is the secret entrance. To give a further review I would have to play the map, so I'll give it a try to make sure if my prediction on the map is wrong or right.
It's ok but there are a couple things that are dying to be interlocked like thse single boxes used as ramps.
Good job making it smooth and making it playable. I like the neatly made bridge and the secret tunnel. Add 3-5 more weapons though. Also, I know it sounds crazy, but remove some of the random realistic stuff. Only like 2 things
OMG! Radient Rain makes maps! ZOMG! well the map looks fairly simple. get acroos the bridge and invade. kinda like narrows. i love all the little hidding spots such as the little place next to the ramp up to the sniper spawn. The map riminds me of that one level in campaign, tasavo highway(or whatever, the high way one.) and looks like fun to play on. one thing i see is the attackers base is not that well covered all though they have a little wall. the sniper spawn can cause spawn killing because of that, also if one defender is tricky and invades and hides behinde the spawns in the map. the bubble sheild and the rockets don't go to gether to well. they can cause an easy invasion with easy kills. also the fact that you can get out of the map is dissapointing too... a V2 would be good. with the unlimited budjet so you can add cover under the bridge too. over all the map does look fairly good, but i'm would be cuncerned about gameplay.
I finally see rain post a map. It looks pretty good. I like the secret entrance, because it seems like a very dangerous way to go, yet really pays off. Some of the interlocking could be a wee bit better, but not enough that it would enhance gameplay if it was. One thing that doesn't seem right is the rockets right next to the assault rifle. That's not very balanced. I would also suggest adding a picture in the same area as the first but with the b sign all the way to the right of the screen so I can see an overview of that area too.
very nice map looks like its well interlockined in some places, but others the interlocking looks sorta bad what are the mancannons for? i like the bridges and tha wall in hte spawn