Website Creation Help Hey, guys. It's Norbert220 here with a question about a website I'm making. I'm using Joomla, an open-source website designer, and I need to know what you guys want on my website. Obviously there will be a forged maps section, but exactly what does the community want in general? Please post ideas. Here is the simple menu/website layout (obviously just the basics) Home Guides Forums Extras Website Help About Us -When you click on Guides you get: Maps Campaign Weapons/Vehicles -Forums is obviously forums... -Extras: User submitted techniques- these will be critiqued by me/my other modz to make sure they are legitimate Screenshots- Do I have to explain? Alright, now it's time for me to prepare for the ideas to flow in. Thanks for anyone who replies! I might even give you guys VIP tags... To all modz: IDK if I'm actually allowed to post this, is it against the rules? I'm not advertising, just getting ideas.
Hey I don't think that this is the best place to post this. I actually don't think you should've posted this because it's considered advertising another site.
Alright. That's all I needed to know. The only think I'm wondering is that I'm not actually giving a site name or anything, I just want ideas.