Hello Forgehubbers, and welcome to my thread. Now I'm sure some of you may be wondering what Google sketch up is about and are also wondering why I would bring a designing program into the forums. Well, I simply haven't seen too many people using Foundry designer out in this crude world.... Yes people, most of us don't use Forgehub's foundry designer. I'm going to touch on it's disadvantages in a bit. But first, I want to tell you people more about sketch up if you don't know about it. Sketch up is a free designer program that allows it's users to make three dimensional sketches of whatever comes to their mind. The program enables you to share your designs via the Internet. Examples of what you can make include various home objects, mechanical devices, etc. I think that if a group of people used sketch up and built it so that you could create detailed three dimensional ideas, then it would be a big hit on this website and would probably get Bungies attention. Maps could be built much more accurately than Foundry Designer's two dimensional view. Sketch up allows you to show precisely how high you want an object to be, how deep you want an object to be geomerged, how high off the ground you want that Double box to be, and whether the wall is sloped up instead of lying flat. You can't use somewhat major immovable objects in foundry designer such as A and B signs or shield doors. You can't indicate the placement of movable objects that could totally change game play, such as barriers and crates. You can't do the above in Foundry designer. That's why I'm asking dedicated Forgehubbers that know how to use this software to make a map of Foundry where you can finally detail everything before blindly jump into making a map. I'm sure that sharing a design over the Internet that takes you an hour to make would be better than taking twenty hours of your time into making a map that needs a lot of work OR could use minor improvements. So what do you guys and girls say? If you support this idea, post here. If you are interested in making a 'foundry designer' for sketch up, then post here also. Oh, and a declaimer, this isn't my idea, I really got it from Fritzster, the maker of Amplified. A big thanks goes to him. As of now, there isn't a fully accessible foundry remake on sketch up, though there are some basic objects available, such as a fenced wall, double box, a crate, and a fenced box. EDIT: Norbert mentioned a different designer called Blender. Whichever free three dimensional designer the people use to build the designer is fine, as long as it's accurate and easy to use.
yes...i have been searching all over, trying to find a PERFECT foundry, with PERFECT models for it....or at least something that gives a good ratio of sizes if you find, PM me
Yes, this is definitely a great idea. However, I use Blender (an open-source and pretty powerful 3D graphics designer), and I think it would be much better to have it for this as you can include textures more easily and it's much more detailed than sketchup. Sketch-up works fine, though.
I have a pretty good scale drawing of Foundry w/out the backrooms. If you could send me a message on how to put it online, I would let you use it. It looks a little out of proportion because of all the half sqares along the sides on foundry, but trust me, it's to scale.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/30394-regicide-sketchup-concept.html Fritzster said he was releasing that soon.