Owned's next Sig V2 Be extreme critiques becuase im trying to get better at sig making by alot. The render is a marine and in v2-v4 the back drop is a city (now on v5 and am done making this line) V1 V2 (cityscape added in background and more effects) V3 (Brot the city out expressed the marine diffrently and graphical changes and minor text changes.) V4 V4 #2 V4 #3 V5 Final Edition
you kinda went crazy on the ripple and wavy effects, thats easy to see... next, i cant see the render for ****.... next, never have the text that high up, usually have it between the 1/3 and 2/3 mark up and down, and the 1/4 or, not and, the 3/4 mark left and right next, there is no flow at all! keep making them, ur not bad, you have the color sort of down!
yes, sdrakulich (yes i think i spelled it right although i said it wrong in some custom game with you this morning lol) is right. Its a bit too confusing and the effects get too much in the way of the text, making it look really messy. Also, i cant seem to understand what that is, or maybe its just a design?
ok i changed the text spot and added some more to the shot plus ill keep and mind all the new ideas and rethink it again. (the effect was by accident and its not a design i cant remember quite how i got it but i liked it, i think it had something to do with the spot heal tool.)
It's OK but I cant tell what its supposed to be... The text also is in a bad spot and its a little messy... Move the text down and to the right a little bit and it would be a little bit better =)
Version 2 is what I shall critique, okay first off you should bring the render more into the signature, you should add a NORMAL border of 1pixel black or do a MOVIE border and also add a light source, text is also too distracting for me because of the yellow, try sticking with default text like Arial and Century Gothic but try to use colours of the signature in your text such as my previous signatures that you can not see unless you go back a few pages, thats all, I hope it helped and get a V3 up.
i will try to use as many of ur ideas as possible for v3 and i was going to put a lite source like hell suggested but i forgot and u just reminded me again.
you need to make whatever the render is stand out more an be visible, because right now it looks like the background to a sig.
It's a nice overall sig I just don't like not being able to tell what it is... The render is too covered but then again you can't really get the effect u have without that so now I just have no clue what I'm saying.... Spoiler Lord Terrax XII is Confused
yeah lol if i could show it more i would but if u must know its a marine and behind all that green is a city
To be honest i didn't even know what the render was until you wrote it. Your focal point is very small. I suggest you make it more focused on the render and less on the effects.
i would but as i previously stated and cant do much to the render or i already would have, besides the fact im finally finished with the sig and im on v4 but i made to slightly diffrent variations of v4 and need to know wich is better.
I wish i could do that! I have a very old computer that can't do anything but the internet! yea, that is very good!