
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Jester, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Hello, Forge Hub Community. My name is Jester, and today I am posting my second mini-game, Bomberman.

    I built the actual map first, before hitting a snag in the gametype and being stopped short of my goal. Believing that my dream was crushed, I proceeded to kick out a window and sulk for a few weeks. Lucky for me, I didn't delete the map, as I just recently found a way around the snag. I now give you the first version of my remake of Bomberman, the classic arcade game.

    Gametype: "Bomberman"
    This assault variant cannot accurately keep track of kills, so you will have to keep track on your own (or just screw the points and play for fun!).

    Player Attributes:

    • 2 lives
    • 0% weapon damage
    • 75% speed
    • 200% gravity
    Custom Powerup Attributes:

    • 100% speed

    Map: "Bomberman Arena"

    Here is an overview of the map:

    And here is how the game is played:

    Players grab bombs

    Player runs through map

    Player jumps to plant bomb

    Player attempts to block opponent

    Player 'splodes

    To clarify: Each player has one bomb that spawns and respawns at their corner. Players attempt to kill their opponents by detonating bombs, which are planted by jumping at intersections. Players must then return to their corner to get another bomb. Pallets are present to block player movement, but can be destroyed by bombs. After 1 minute, custom powerups spawn in the other two corners. These increase player speed by 33.33%. There are 10 rounds per game, and rounds only end when one player has lost both lives.


    1. Stay alert! You don't want to run into a bomb by accident...​
    2. Watch your back! Assassinations are possible, just like in every other game.​
    3. Block your opponents! You can successfully trap you opponent with your own bomb or with your body.​
    4. Try not to 'splode.​
    DOWNLOAD Bomberman
    DOWNLOAD Bomberman Arena
    Norbert220 and Gamer720 like this.
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This is very original, I remember playing bomber man a lot when i was a kid.
    I like the interlocking you put into the map, makes the gameplay a lot better.
    Nice Job
  3. MovingTarget602

    MovingTarget602 Ancient
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    This looks like a very innovative map. I like the idea. I will download and try it later, but from the pictures it looks really good and has nice interlocking. It looks fun.
  4. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
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    this looks fun. i remember playing bomberman a while back and this should bring back some old memories. the interlocking looks nice and there doesnt seem to be a way to get out of the map. this should be pretty cool
  5. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    This is a very original idea. From what I got of this, people can't do damage but can kill people with bombs and assassinations. Why didn't I think of this?

    The map also looks very well done I must say, and great job on the layout drawing you made, it helps alot. I must say, this is very good. 5/5 and good rep for you.
  6. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    what's with everyone saying "yea i used to play bomberman way back when." come on, guys, i STILL play it lol. i gotta say, this looks like the most creative version of the game i've seen in a long time. but it seems like getting a kill would be tough. cuz not only do you have to plant the bomb in the right spot, but you gotta stop the opponent from moving too? i bet deployable cover would help a lot. stop them right in their tracks
  7. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Deployable covers= genius

    I'm gonna have to make a v2 just for that
  8. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    thanks. lemme know when its out. and i don't think there really is a way to make it so the game keeps score, but i think you did the best that could be done. i'd take fun gameplay over a good scoring system any day. very creative, 5/5 for sure.
  9. SYkOP4Th

    SYkOP4Th Ancient
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    Wow this looks really sick. I always thought of making a Bomberman game but I didnt think it was possible but you proved me wrong. Looks great. You have my DL.
  10. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    I cannot wait to see that. Add the deployable cover as that man said, and also add some aesthetic stuff as well.
  11. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I love Bomberman and the instant I saw this thread I clicked on it. great job! You get a 4.9878678641974/5 from me, plus repzzzz, and a l)0\/\/l\lI0Al) from me.
  12. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Excellent idea! As many have said above that they had played bomberman a while back, unforntuatly i never got the chance and it must have slipped my radar. How ever for even in my lack of playing the actual game this looks very, very fun. I would download but i'm running low on space unforntuatly and 2 things won't do very well for me (map and game). However i'll rate and give your +rep instead! ^.^ 5/5

    Keep Forging!

    P.S Great use of interlocking i just noticed and it looks like it takes quite a bit of strategy as well. Godd job once again!
  13. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
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    I have always loved Bomberman and now someone has brought it to Halo 3?! This is so cool. I like the way you put the pallets for blockers so it would delay the player a bit. But as one of the users said on the first page, it would be awesome if a deployable cover would be in it and I was thinking it would be cool to have a flare in it too... So now for my ratings of the map
    Creativeness: 9/10
    Quality: 8.5/10
    Awesome factor: 9/10
    Playability: N/A (I will try to play when I get the chance, I don't have my gamertag linked.)
    Oh and I almost forgot... I will give you milk, cookies, and rep.
  14. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Great Job. I am giving this a download. The interlocking is phenomenal. I love playing Bomberman it is so addicting. Now I can play halo and BomberMan at the same time. Awesome job. I think the idea is great but I think it could be confusing for players to find their scoring points and Having to score above them. But original idea. Do you mind if I creat something like this in the form of Bomberman but better in my opinion but give you credit for the original idea? I was wondering because I would love to do it.

  15. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Hmmm, maybe a flare that spawns after a VERY long time in the middle? The flare would be like a uber equipment. At this maps size, it would blind everyone.
  16. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    The epicness of your originality is making me shake, I love this idea, but if your making a v2 with aesthenics and deployable covers, then i'll wait to download that, and give you a better review then i could now.
  17. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    Hey since you're taking suggestions for a v2 i have some. I would maybe play around with putting bomb spawn points around the map. Because you never really ran out of bombs in bomberman, unless there are no more spawn points. And i don't know, maybe play around with tripmines? And whoever had the deployable cover idea, kudos to them.

    Anyway on to the map itself. I love the idea here and how it was executed. I saw another bomberman about a month ago and was kinda dissapointed with it. But this is not the case here. I'm going to have to get some friends and try this out. Until I play it i say 4/5, but we'll just have to see if that changes (;
  18. damarco

    damarco Ancient
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    I've seen alot of game remakes but never seen a bomberman one 5/5 for originality
    now gameplay im gonna have to download and see how it plays though.
  19. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Thanks for all the excellent feedback! It's great to see people seriously giving constructive criticism instead of "Gr34t m4p wil dl 5/5"!

    As for the v2 suggestions:
    -Deployable covers are in. However I deleted all of them off the money glitched there a way to get them back now that they are ALL gone? I would prefer to not have to remake the whole map.
    -Extra scenery would be cool, but I dont know how I could incorporate it...the map is a bunch of tunnels. If you have a detailed idea on how to accomplish this I would love to hear it.
    -As for more bomb spawn points, I have had difficulty with them in the making of this map. Only one bomb can spawn per team, and that bomb tends to spawn in the same place every time. If there is a way around this I would love to hear it.
    -Tripmines could be really neat, but a bit overpowered. Perhaps only one in the middle of the map?

    @ those who want to help me make v2:
    You are welcome to help out, but please send me a message if you wish to do so. I tend to forge solo, but will gladly accept any help.

    -Jester LS
  20. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    This is ausome, I have never played Bomerman, but if its like this I might.
    This is ausome, great aeststics, and interlocking. I will DL and see what to doozz.

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