So basically [On Avalanche], I am re-imagining the CoD4 level(s) bog and warpig, the one where you have to guard a tank and then escort it. I need suggestions for the gametype. Basics: 1 sided VIP, VIP drives tank, all around the VIP are stronger. Terrorists are weak and poorly equiped, they do have the advantage when it comes to ninja-ness. Those away from the VIP are faster, in order to be able to retreat back to the VIP. Those near the VIP are slow, this stops rushing. Weapons don't respawn('cept nades), ammo is limited. Goals/Tactics: This is heavily team orientated, the MG will be crucial to the tanks survival, if squad members die, the squad should stop and wait for him to catch up. The terrorists may use transport vehicles. Terrorist may be able to pick up weapons(with a CP). I really need suggestions to make this work, the map isn't important, this can be done on any map with a scorpion(or even a wraith!).
Hmm, I really like the idea. What do you need help on though? It seems like you already have it all figured out. The only thing I can think of is having multiple go-to spots along the way to the final one. Also, make it so the VIP NEEDS to use the tank to survive. You can make it so he moves slower, making tank the best form of transportation. You can also lower his shields, and/or lessen the damage he does (this will affect the tank as well).
He will definitely be slow, I just need to figure out the exact damage, shields, weapons etc. The minute details.
this sounds like a great idea but i agree with sweeney trail and error is your best option just keep in mind it has to be fun for both sides I would add a power drain/plasma pistol for the terrorists so the can stop the tank from moving but not firing I would also make the base players faster when out of vip radius if you want the tank to wait around Nice to see people bouncing ideas around last time i made a thread like this it didn't get a single response
If you really need Help then im available. This sounds like a amazing deal. For a suggestion though you should probably do it on a relativly big map though like sandtrap, vahalla, possibly rats nets. another suggestion dont put any lazers. I was jsut palying a game with a lit of tanks on sandtrap and lazers rape tanks
I ink you should make it on Foundry with a wraith because it is hard to block off stuff on Avalanche. Do not make it open or long hallways. Make it with shape corners so it makes it seem like it is longer than it is. Also, make hidden ambush locations that activate over time.
I will be glad to help you any way I can and you already have me on your friends list. I really like the idea and it kinda reminds me of convoy tunnel, on the way you have to kinda use teamworks to make it to the end alive. My suggestions is to implement the class system like Asper49, and AZN FTW did in the map "boss battle". For example they can pick out any class they want to help protect the tank. I'll try to explain more later if you need any more help. (If you need any help).
Extensive testing will be needed, thanks. The map is currently Avalanche, terrorists will be able to pick up rockets and bruteshots. In Avalanche, I don't have to block off anything, there is plenty of geomerged cover. I don't think I'll use that, there's plenty of weapons that don't respawn littered around the map. I'll contact yo when I need testing.