I was wondering how to elevator jump with 2 people. I have seen it done, like on this video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UMiDYftBRc&feature=PlayList&p=BF8E18D0149F1B01&index=4), but I don't know how to do it. Thanks in advance!
All you do is go into a corner with a 90 degree angle. Get one person to stand in the corner while holding forward, and the second one to jump on top of his head while holding forward. Only the bottom person keeps tapping A, and you push the other up into the air.
Go to a corner. Person on the bottom just runs forward and rapidly taps A. Person on top just runs forward on top the other person's head. I haven't tried it in Multiplayer though. -Vivian Aww you beat me to it. :/ oh well. lol
1 person gets on someone's head and then jumps. when the person is in the air, the second person jumps. the person who first jumped should land on the other person's head and they can jump again. (like a double jump)
Dang, people need to stop posting HLG spots on youtube! Oh well, us true HLGers know the best spots that are not on youtube. I do enjoy this spot though, I like to stick people from it.