I need help getting two achievements. Overkill and Killing Frenzy thanks! i do not want to boost(cheat) for achievements, i want them all legit.
Well I got killing frenzy by playing lones wolf on the gametype swords, and you could probally get overkill there too.
Getting the Killing Frenzy takes time: you can't sit in a corner trying to pick 10 people off without dying. You need to get a game where you are spot on. The other tip is to avoid 2v1's and focus on 1v1's to avoid getting killed by someone waiting for your shields to go down or for you to expose your back. Overkill is a bit harder to get. The only real (non-cheap) way to get it is to wait for a point in which a members of the game are in one spot, preferably a small area where a grenade or rocket would do a lot of damage.
Warm up first. Start off in a custom game with people who are playing some MLG gametypes to help you get warmed up. Then when you feel like you are at the peak of your game, go into lone wolves. Thats how I did it. I went into Lone Wolves after playing some MLG customs with my friends and got the Overkill and Killing Frenzy in one game.
I got my Kill Frenzy in Lone Wolf in a King of the Hill game on The Pit. I had the sniper and stayed in the trench where the over shield spawns. When the hill was in the center, I went off to the side where the sniper spawns. I've gotten 3 doing that. As for the Overkill, I got mine with some skill and some luck. It is uploading to GeeVee right now, I'll link to it, and the Kill Frenzy when they're up. [EDIT] Here is my overkill: http://www.geevee.com/index.php?p=viewvideo&v=78522