Well, here we are. I, MattDGiant, present to you... The Long Awaited... The Many Times Delayed... The All Important... Pre-DLC Competition Result Thread! Ok, so many of you fella's are probably angry with me. I have to agree, things went a lot slower than they should have. Still, have no fear, the RESULTS ARE HERE! Each Judge Rated the maps, and then sent their ratings to me. All of the scores for the maps have been averaged together, including my ratings, and finalized. Nao, teh resultz! Oh, wait, hold up. Before I say the results, I just want to say that the person who posted the Infection Map on Valhalla must actually have issues. NAO, teh resultz! Dockside by Nan0teck Avg. Originality: 7/10 Avg. Playability: 5/10 Avg. Aesthetics: 3/5 Overall Score: 15/25 Quotes: "overloaded with vehicles" "I loved the fact that it had some back story (at least in my mind) and it was nicely made at that" "the crate bridge is interesting but should have incorporated better" Compound 2K8 by Xx BEHEM0TH xX Avg. Originality: 6/10 Avg. Playability: 7/10 Avg. Aesthetics: 3/5 Overall Score: 17/25 Quotes: "theres just a couple crates lying around in there." "nice use of items and good weapon layout" "Too Many Power Weapons" "I hated, and i mean HATED the fact that I could spawn kill (luckily I was on that team in my testing session) and the sword just added to that misery" Dialated by xRedNormandyx Avg. Originality: 6/10 Avg. Playability: 8/10 Avg. Aesthetics: 5/5 Overall Score: 19/25 Quotes: "GEOMERGINg!!!???? how the f"£$ did he do that" "i found 2 ways out of the map" "correct me if i'm mistaken, but i think theres geomerging on this" Traxus by Th Kn1ght Avg. Originality: 8/10 Avg. Playability: 4/10 Avg. Aesthetics: 4/5 Overall Score: 16/25 Quotes: "The fact that it used that outside and inside part of last resort was very cool." "it is really easy to escape" "TSK....TSK!!!!....The map with the most ways out....7; six without grenades, one without even hitting anything, just jumping! this would call for MAJOR honor rules!!!" "ISSA BIG WALL!" Storm The Base by Jsten419 Avg. Originality: 5/10 Avg. Playability: 6/10 Avg. Aesthetics: 3/5 Overall Score: 14/25 Quotes: "The whole map was thought out, as a refined Omaha beach/last resort....it was a perfect mix, adding some stuff that was missing, and taking away some annoyances!" "falling coils far too loud and annoying" "Since the "storm the beach" has been done already origionality lacked. " Alphalexxy by TurboGerbil604 Avg. Originality: 7/10 Avg. Playability: 8/10 Avg. Aesthetics: 5/5 Overall Score: 20/25 Quotes: "i loved the inside of the map, although overused (4/6 maps used it), was made fantastically, allowing for varying gameplay" "This was by far probably the best map I saw during judging. Sure it did use the same spot of last resort as the some of the other maps but this map was still got a high origionality becasue of some great ideas you put in this map." "the only one im keeping great layout the switch activated teleporter works very well" "I escaped MUHAHAHAH but t'was only a fluke and I couldnt do it again, great map" SOOOO, with that outta the way, we can move on to the awards ceremony! First things first, I just want to comment on the fact that the majority of entries were all built inside Last Resort's Main Base. This brought down the originality rating on many maps, because everyone used that section. Secondly, I forgot to mention earlier that all of the quotes in the ratings were taken from all of the judges ratings of your maps. I left their names out so if you got pissed off at a comment you wouldnt go neg repping them. OK. TEh moment u been waiytin for... First place goes to.... Alphalexxy, by TurboGerbil604, also known as !nikheizen. Congratulations Turbo! Alphalexxy was truly the finest out of the bunch. It had a score of 20/25, which was the highest rating of all the maps. This map was basically inescapable, and had smooth gameplay, as well as some slick aesthetics. This map needs to be shown to the FH forums man. It is really good. For all you fella's out there who havnt seen it, I GIVESHOO LINK: Alphalexxy Turbo, you have just won yourself some nice repburgers AND this lovely userbar, courtesy of sdrakulich. You can copy that into your sig, good sir. Second Place goes to.... Dialated by xRedNormanyx! Congratulations! This map is really quite good. It is, to my knowledge, the FIRST map built on a Pre-DLC map that has GEOMERGING AND INTERLOCKING! Yes, thats right. GEO MERGING. On Last Resort? WTF? <Head Explodes> This map didn't come in first, simply because the gameplay wasn't quite as good as Alphalexxy's. Still, the visuals are quite tasty. You can has 2nd Place Userbar!!! Third Place Goes to Compound 2K8 By Xx BEHEMOTH xX Congratulations! This map, although it had a few too many power weapons, had a fairly nice layout, and utilized the inside base of Last Resort pretty well. Here's your userbar: To everbody: Thank you soo much for participating, and be on the lookout for PRE DLC COMPETITION 2! Heres a little teaser of whats up ahead: Ptheiap?
What??? My map got a low ass score?!? Sadfaic. EDIT: How the hell did I get such a low score on aesthetics? That was supposed to be the map's specialty (for lack of a better word). Oh well...the judges have spoken. I'll leave it at that.
Alphalexxy was a co-operation by me and SweenyTodd, I can't remember the 1337 used in his name, but you may want to add that.
I wonder if all the competitors have seen it yet. And !nikheizen, you should tell SweenyTodd that you guys won. EDIT: He should be happy, too, as he just won the LMC too.
Yeah, pretty much, lol. I did help with a lot of the blocking off though, remember? you were like "there. now it's inescapable." Me: ".................uh......." *jumps straight out* Gerbo: "............****." o btw, i still am using your canvas of the blocked off inside for my dodgeball map. LIEK OMG OLD MAP???? yes, old map.
you have no idea how hard this is. for those of you who do not want to DL... I will post a pic of the geomerging and interlox... I refuse to teach you though... BTW... My map used the switch like alphalexxy. pressing teh button allows you to get a plasma pistol... happy faic
Damnit, man! Do you know how hard it's going to be to make even a half-decent map on that?? I guess that's why it's called a challenge for a reason =P
How did I miss this thread? Haha, 2 wins in one day? I never knew I could have such a good day when I was sick... But joy, this makes me happy ^^ I found it really challenging to come up with an idea without interlockingz or immovable objects in general. Turbo though, did most of the work (since I had to leave many a time). Too bad we couldn't get in CTF =/ BTW, Matt, mind if I put the userbar in my sig too?
How did my map receive such a good comment on playability and get a low score in it =P. I'm content, this took me a fraction of the time it took me too make my better maps. Also, the fusion coils are meant to be annoying. IF you thought it was bad in this game, you should have seen them on the original, it was downright annoying.
I found a calculation error, Compound actually has a score of 16/25, which means Traxus and Compound should be tied for third. Unless there was a typo somewhere in there.
you should put download links in each of the mini reviews... that way we could see why we won/lost...