I'm rather irritated that nobody bothered to respond or even care about my previous thread (although it wasn't all that great to be honest) so, i made a new, better sig and i think it is atleast worth some constructive criticism. Thanks for looking!
i love the background, don't get me wrong, but Harry Potter Font just doesnt go with it, sorry try getting like the font called ascenine or asenine Its smiple, and one of my faves!
Thanks. I'll do that. P.S. whoever invent the name for that font is and idiot. It sounds like assinine.
did you make that shape? Or is your sig a picture but cut to that size. Other than that, i agree with sdrak. You could also try arial, one of my favs.
I like arial too. I combined about 5 images here plus my editing and photoshop effects. The guy in the middle if thats what shape ur talking about was not originally mine it was of course, a render. Also, ascinine is now up as the font.
Oh... I didn't even notice that. To me it look kinda like a good C4d with some lightning brushes. Did you color dodge or something?
It started as the picture below. I added lightning bolts and a background and then i edited it some and used effects from there on. Effect such as gaussian blur, hard light and overlay. It actaully came our better than expected. Oh, and for those who are interested, i am using Adobe photoshop elements 4.
Yeah, I like the sans serif font much better. What is the blue image though? I can't quite make out what its suppose to be, if anything at all. Oh, I would move "Hari" a tad bit more to the right so the H doesn't get lost in the boarder of the image.
For what you did it came out quite nicely... It seems that quite a bit was relying on the render but it looks nice and if u suck at sigs even a great render can't save you so good job and keep up the good work. You'll improve if you keep making threads like this too. People on this forum are very helpful!
The blue image is actually a blue and black gradient made by none other than me. I can't really move the text though because i saved over the PSD file with a jpg file because imageshack doesn't accept PSDs. Thanks. Actually to be honest i'm not actually that great at sigs. The idea of using a render for the background was taken from a youtube tut. So, the credit for that goes to the tut. The rest was found by too much time and tinkering around.
Apparently so. I made this one on saturday. I guess its what you can call 'improvement'. Oh and for the record, the lightning bolts did not come with the render. They can from this pic: Oh, and since i've pretty much GIVEN yo my sig by providing all the parts, i might as well provide the last one. This was the background.
The one you just made in the few posts above me is trash. However, the one in the OP is pretty good. I'd suggest to make the text smaller but that's about it
I and pretty much everyone else probably agrees with you that the old one was trash. I made a thread in this forum about it and it got all of 0 replies. Zomg!
well, i really like the current sig of yours. It doesn't really have a big focal point, but that's K IMO.
That is indeed true. The focal point is rather small. His right arm somehow became part of the background in the process, but it makes for a more ghostly feel, which i like.
You need to define your focal point more, and work on depth. Also, your text could use a tad bit of work. Nice overall feel though.