Okay so I've been making bright C4d heavy sigs lately... So now I made a dark C4d Heavy sig!!!!! It was light but then I added filters so it became darker... CnC!!!!! Okay new text and light: Contrasted and new text:
You need to work on your text, also try making a light source, even if it is a dark signature you need a light source, it looks like it was negative contrasted, also add a border the effects are good though. DO NOT USE TOO FANCY TEXT!!!
Alright, V2 is better but add a contrast layer but make sure its a positive number not a negative number so it has some depth to it.
If you want a over the top script font, go for Scriptina. Want subtle? Try one of the script fonts in 22flock.
I liked the original text personally, but the second one has better lighting. I would say keep the original text, but that is just me.
Vinny: I can't find my 22flock files!!!!!!! I have no idea where they went. But anyways I'll make a V.3. right now. Edit: Nevermind... I found them. Also I like Scriptina AND V.3 is up!!!! Edit #2: Spoiler V.3. is da ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why thank you kind sir.... Edit: Spoiler Spoiler Button Rules!!!!! Spoiler O'Doyle Rules Too!!!!!!!!!