wow that does looks really good just the left half looks alittle to plain for my taste just a small near invisable design or something would make it better(my opinion)
I don't like it... It just seems like you oversharpened the render a lot and that it is bland. It also looks a lot like one of Hells sigs that you just moved to the right. Also the text is fine. And lastly I don't agree with you.... You've had much better sigs.
dam man there has to be something that you like in it why so negitive?(no im not trying to screw with why so serious its just how it came out)
This is definitely my best. The others were very simplistic. This one, I used many new techniques. And I wasnt trying to copy Hells at all. Just trying to develop a new style.
New techniques which you badly need to refine imo. Over sharpened, really bad lighting, poor colour, bad text placement. I agree with DxHydra that its not your best at all. The sooner you can step back and see for yourself where the faults and weaknesses in your work are, the faster you will improve imo.
I also find, that simplicity is noobish on my part. Knowing, that I can do better. And, I found Hells' secret to his "grungy" sigs. But Im not telling you... EDIT: Yes, I know the text sucks, but the techniques I used are much more advanced than what I usually show off here. So, I will "refine" my techniques and perfect the style.
But ur creepy lady sig was better than this and so was ur Iron Man one and See even Mallet agrees with me and Vinny agrees with me but in different words and Hydra Why so against CnC? And yes I am screwing with Why so Serious. Spoiler Spoiler button is da ****!!!!!!!!!! Edit: I like the text it is simple and effective but seriously Perfection doesn't exist.... Sry but you'll just have to be really, really, really, really good, not perfect. :/
I would much rather have a simple sig that is pleasing to the eye, than the complicated sig that rapes my mind.
I'm just saying, that puMp is most definitely not the best, i'd go as far as to say, that it's the worst. Simple > Complicated :-/ I mean, it's alright, just your older stuff was better.
COPY! lolololololololololol. Hmm time to critique this baby, well I think that you over sharpened the render and blended it too much but I think it is definitely good for a first attempt at copy catzoring me (jokes), make another with same style try using a DEATH NOTE RENDER WOOT.
This really is your best yet and it has a VERY good background and has nice text. I like the texture too.