Teamwerks Solarena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Cosmic Rick, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Teamwerks Solarena


    Map Download Link: Download TW Solarena
    Gametype Download Link:Download Teamwerks Slayer This is REQUIRED!

    Map Haiku:

    Suck my plasma shot!
    Enjoy the Lava, A-hole!
    Teamwerks Craziness

    Map Overview

    Welcome to the newest Teamwerks arena. This map was created initially as an entry for a competition (hosted by me, of course, lol) over at the Ghosts of Onyx. The idea was to make a mashup of my original Teamwerks Arena and Furious D 18's Solaris.

    For information about how Teamwerks is played, please view this thread for the general overview of Teamwerks Slayer Gametype. Please note that a MAJOR difference is in the spawn system. Here, you have one person get in the ghost and drive into the fencebox-pit to get to the BR portal. Everyone else just goes through the regular portals.

    Gametype Quick-Guide:

    1) No Beatdowns or Assassinations. They give negative points
    2) Take down their shields and let your BR guy get a headshot for quick points
    3) plasma grenade sticks are worth 7 points, but their shields need to be down first.
    4) One person takes the ghost through the teleporters and into the fence box at the beginning of the round. He's the BR guy.
    5) Everybody else is a pistoleer.

    New Stuff in the Solarena:

    -Basically, the Solarena is faster, crazier, and (let's face it) sexier than the original Teamwerks Arena. It also plays more casually than the original map.

    -There are now multiple levels to the arena.

    -The BR guy has access to a regenerator, a trip mine, and a bubble shield. He can either give these to his teammates or use them on the little platform juust outside the BR box to support his team.

    -THE FLOOR IS LAVA! Don't touch the grass for too long or you'll die due to the traits in this area of Standoff.

    -The plasma grenades are tougher to get to. No more accidental pickups. You have to work for those 7-point sticks.

    -Much of the map is destructible. This means that you can blow up the scenery beneath your opponents feet and watch them burn in the lava.

    -Plasma pistoleers have access to the following in the center areas of the map:

    ...1) A flare: For blinding the enemy BR guy or disorienting opposing pistoleers.

    ...2) A power drainer: Everything helps, right?

    ...3) Active Camo: This makes you harder to target and allows for quick getaways if your shields go down.


    Here's the overall layout of the arena.

    This is what the arena looks like from the pistoleers' viewpoint.

    The biggest change (the addition of more equipment) in action. GO43R is pistoling an enemy after hiding out in the bubble shield I provided for him.

    Thanks to everyone who helped me test this map. It's been fun, as always.
  2. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Well rick, I must agree this map is indeed sexy. I hope it is better then the original one which was good, looks rock solid. The addition of equipment is welcome change, I am going to download it to see if it is just as good as I hope it is. So keep up the good work.
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    If I am not mistaken, I playtested this map with insane a few days ago, and my oh my, did it cahnge from then

    The middle looked like a pile of **** it looks very organized, and well balanced!

    I don't know how it plays now, but when I DID play it, it was a 2/5, with boring gameplay (THAT IS, IF IT WAS THE MAP I TESTED)

    Otherwise, for this map, as an outsider, I rate it 4/5
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    haha, I got to play this with you ;)

    I love the idea, nice twist on Teamwerks. Unlike Teamwerks arena, this features multiple levels, and platforms. This encourages jumping, making targets harder to hit. Also, since you cannot touch the floor, in the heat of the battle as you try and evade the BR, you have to make sure you do not mess up your jumps.

    But as much fun as this was, I liked Teamwerks arena more.
    This was a bit frustrating, because it was hard to take down sheilds in such a large area. Also, due to platforms, either the space between two people is too small, or too large. This is an issue, because unlike the first, I feel that this causes more individual gameplay than team gameplay.

    The reason I say that, is because with this large feild, team members get quite seperated from eachother, taking up different platforms, or occupy the same. Both have issues.

    Apart- You are on your own, and it can involve a 1 v 1 or 1 v 2-3 battle. Your teammates can not come over to your help in time, and the distance is to great to really get a shot with the pistol. So, instead of being strategic, you start Rambo'ing it, but trying to take as many guys down as you can. This creates a sense of individualism inside the gamers head, and soon, the thought of teamwork has left their mind.

    Together- Platforms are too small, and should 3 people go onto 1, well that is 3 bodies crowding a small space. It is like shooting a school of fish in a barrel, armed with a 12 gauge shotgun. You are bound to hit something. So, this results in players splitting up, creating the above scenario.

    Then there is the multiple levels. While this is okay, it makes the playing field more complex than it should. The small space is also an issue, since people end up running in circles, jumping up and down, trying to hit their target.

    Also, equipment is in over ubundance, with to much of it. 1 regen, 1 powerdrain, and that is all this map needs, but you gave it more (forgot why you said why...) Also, the plasma grenades are far out of the way. I understand why you did this, but also I never saw I plasma. With them being so out of the way, chances are you are dead by the time you got to one. Also, since they take forever to respawn, you may go to get them, to find they are not there, or you just don't try at all. Most people I think went with the second option.

    Also, just a pet peeve, but the starts for either team just don't appeal to me like they did in Teamwerks arean.

    So in the end, this was fun, but not nearly as much as Arena. It complicates gameplay to much, with small, multiple platforms, causing seperation, and not allowing people to stick together, un-needed equipment, and to large of a space, making it difficult for the BR to find it's targets.

    I'll leave a better review tomorrow, I was a bit tired writing this, so I just covered the basics.

    Senior Member

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    Cosmic, you are a genius. Im beginning to think you hosted that GoO competition just so you could smite us with your mighty forge skill, you dirty S.O.B.

    Great combination of maps. The Solaris effect on TW is pure win.
  6. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Aah, Mr. Todd, thanks for the brief review.

    I understand your concerns. Truth be told: I like the original better, too. There was more strategy, and more teamwerk... if I could add active Camo to the original, though, I would... so at least I've learned something.

    As far as spawns go: I re-did the spawn system since you played it. It's essentially the same as you saw, but a little cleaner and more enclosed. Unfortunately, since this is on Standoff, I couldn't make quite as robust/elegant a spawn system as on the original. Item limits, dontcha know?

    On the equipment: I was really going for a more frenetic feel, and I was trying to get a bit more of an individual feeling to the game. A lot of people dislike the original because the pistoleers "never got to have any fun". That's not the case here.

    Overall, I agree the the original is better. However, this gives you a little bit more of a casual option to play with if you're in the mood for some Teamwerks.
  7. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    ^^That's all I would put if this stupid message too short thing did not pop up.
  8. Tully13

    Tully13 Ancient
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    lol maps now come with their very own haikus?!?! anyways i think u need a better explanation of how the map plays coz it looks confusing :S
  9. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I believe all the information/the explanation is found in THIS thread.
  10. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I think that is has a very good idea to it! I like how you made it outside of the map so you can't run away. Also, VERY nice idea of a BR guy and how you have to race to it to make it fair. I think that it is well made. 5/5
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    I love all your maps Cosmic, and I on't think this one will be an exception, I played Heatwave last night, so I have to go edit my post on that one. This one seems fun ass well, my only problem may be the spawns I think, Becayse with it being multileveled, with no solid walls, I think some one with the BR could take care of them quick, thats about the only problem I see, I love the destructable enviornment BTW, 4.5/5
  12. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    i love the amazing idea that only someone as godly at forge as you could come up with. but i am grounded from my xbox right now and so i cant forge-through the map... sooo.... how is it that the floor kills you if you stay on it too long?
  13. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    It's on the same area as Furious D 18's Solaris. Basically if you're there for too long, you did, since you're outside the map. Hit the ground 3 times while you're jumping and you're dead (unless you wait a while). If you walk on it for too long, you'll die, too.

    Anyway, glad you like the map overall. It's a great casual/frenetic break from the norm.
  14. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Don't thank me! I never had the chance to play this! Speaking of that, when am I gonna get a chance to?

    Here's what I propose: next game session, we play Teamwerks Arena, Solaris, and then Solarena, to see just how well they mash us.

    P.S. Yes, this is one of the very few times I've commented on a map before I've played a game on it. But it's T.M.W.W.B.G., I'm sure it's quality.
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    And thus starts Cosmic Rick's second map pooping era. Thats 2 maps in the past 2-3 days? And we should be seeing another fairly soon.... I've always loved Solaris and Teamwerks....the combination of the two makes my mouth water. I've got some serious custom game sessions to make up, ASAP.
  16. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Only if we get to yell, "Enjoy the lava, asshole!"

    P.S. I'm mailing you my old wired mic. I can't stand not to hear your dulcet tones...
  17. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    DtL: Actually they were posted only a few hours from eachother. And yes, I think the second era has begun. I expect at least 2 maps over the next week. Plus, I have my eyes on another large asymmetrical map on foundry.

    Squid: Please do. Me likey the talkey. I'll be sure to push you into the lava next time I see you online.

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