Now I understand why you did what you did with this map. I can see how it would work really well. This map doesn't have that broad of a focus, but for what it is meant to do, it does wonderfully. I guess that I should have payed more attention from the onset as to what you designed it for, but whatever. Again, good job. Words can't describe how good or how original or how intracitely planned the interlocking is.
Hmmmm, yet another person suggesting a feature spot. You know I'm starting to think you guys actually like this map a little bit lol. But yes you're right, I took the design from Halo CE. I was hoping someone would point that out. Good eye my man, good eye.
looks like a great map with all those aesthetics but next time i suggest u take pictures of the map without all the spawn points since it tends to draw attention more to the spawns then your map. again the aesthetics are beautiful but its just a matter of how well it plays now.
This map's layout is epic winsauce. I didn't think we'd actually play something so win. The layout is beastly and the aesthetics were nice. The spawns were near perfect and 1-bomb was very cool since it was like 1-flag. The only thing I'd change is the sword. Maybe make it a Gravity Hammer? I think that'd even things out better. Also, the two lifts in each base, try using a floating weapon holder with the grav. lift on it. That way it works all/more of the time. (Be sure not to have it too high or too low. Have it to where you can still get caught in it without jumping but a good distance from the ground) If you can't then oh well... It would help though and that's what this post is for.
i have played the map, and i do like it alot. i could say a million nice things about the map itself. however, constructive criticism is due. i personally would urge you to make the following changes: 1. remove 1 shotgun and definately AT LEAST one mauler. 2. set remaining shotgun to 0 clips - 120 respawn. there are FAR too many close range weapons in this map, and it destroys what could be a great map in my collection. Id also place the shotgun a fair distance from the sword, but still equal to the teams. I really hope the maulers just go all together since you have a sword as well. Other than that, great job on the map. =]
I absolutely love the aesthetics. Wow. I mean just the way you made those corner walls instead of regular walls, and the stairs coming out of the double boxes makes me want to download. 5/5. Keep forging.
Great feedback tsb. I've been hearing that all I would have to do is get rid of the sword and that would remedy the issue. Would you drop the sword or keep it? I could patch up a new version if there is a majority opinion of what works the best. Thoughts?
i actually think that since this map is larger and open, the sword works fine. the hammer would be a fine replacement, but it ALWAYS comes down to that, and in this case it isnt neccessary. id definately go with the sword and one shotgun, or sword and two SEPARATE maulers.
Most people dont like when you take pictures in forge because the spawnpoints make the map look ugly wikth their bright blue brightness, but the map itself is good id like to see more pics of each base
Hmmm I thought I had those far enough apart. I have one on the walkway above the sword at the attackers base, and the other is under the grav lift at the defenders base. Should I just make a version with an MLG weapons layout?
maybe, but i hate MLG, so that wouldnt solve my problem. i just am giving you my thoughts and i think it'd be in your best interest. my friends that i played with agreed. just too many close quartered weapons.
Yeah I understand. I'm trying to figure out a setup that will appeal to the most people. I'll mess around with it and see what I can come up with. Maybe if you have a vid of your match I could DL it from you and see what was going on. Thanks again for you input tsb, it's appreciated.
Ok, so i Downloaded and did a forgethrough of this with American10 and i have compiled the problems that we found to aid you in your version 2 or 1.1 or whatever it is. First, there is far too many weapons and there is too many power weapons(rocket launcher, shotgun, sword, mauler, sniper). So we suggest you delete some of those particularily around the sniper area as there is about 6 weapons within 5 feet of each other. We were playing this and we both agreed that this map would not be good for a sword its way too close quarters. And the other thing was spawn placement which was not nearly as bad. You just have alot of spawns right next to each other that's all. Sorry for long post just want to help make your map better because i believe this could go places there are just minor changes that need to be made . Overall 4/5(just cause i love the aesthetics )
i no longer have the video, its probably just beyond my recent game files. however, it appears you have alot of people who arent fans of the sword. if you're looking to appeal to the most people, id go with this: take out the shotguns. put maulers to 120 spawns, 0 clips. place them symmetrically on other side of the map. remove sword. replace with hammer. set to roughly 150 spawn, or around there. then make sure you spread the weapons equally around the map instead of bunched up. you must think of how each team will go about things. when you've done this, i think you'll be set.
Wow. I'm loving the aesthetic of this map. The geometry is just so damn pretty. I think I agree with all of thesilencebroken's suggestions on the map thus far. Though I haven't looked at it just yet. I'm wondering why you didn't set it up for all gametypes, though, as it looks like a pretty decent all-round map. It also looks like (assuming that you have the items left to do so) you could make this work pretty well for symmetrical AND asymmetrical gametypes. Check out Furious D's Duality from a while back for a good example. Feel free to ask me for some assistance via PM or XBL message if you want. I'd like to see a map like this polished to perfection.
Hmm! This looks excellent... I bet it could get Featured eventually. =) I love the aesthetics, the angular look is totally perfect. I`m downloading! EDIT: After Forging through, I can definitely say I`ll keep this on my hard drive for a long time. I like how it is very Construct-like in style. It`s very open and platform based.
I REALLY wanted to add more but the map won't let me. I can't place any more start spawns or objectives when I change gametypes, cus I get a mess saying "Too many" even if I haven't placed any down. I'll try and fix it with a revised version soon. Thanks for the input.
Just so everyone is aware, I have a revised version that needs some testing. I hopefully cleared up some of the issues that people had with the first map. I have a testing thread here for tomorrow night. If interested, just go to the testing section here and look for "Nexus Alpha" and sign up. Thanks again for everyone's help.
Haha way to go captain obvious. I dont know how you ever thought of such an intricate process for taking screen shots on a map. I dont think i could have thought of that without you posting it. Thank you for taking what had to have been hours out of your day to think up such an amazing way to take screen shots of the map. Are you going to Harvard for college?
This map is amazing hadoken, a very original layout. This was alot of fun to play during the mmg game night I think we all enjoyed this map alot. I cant wait till you post the v.2 srry if you were keping it a secret but once you get those new spawns and weopons tested the gameplay should be even more amazing(sorry we couldnt get a big enough party to test it). I hope people see this map for what it is, epic