Interrutore Featured at H3artificer Featured at MMG : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details One : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing One : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing General Overview This is pretty much my first serious map I have finished so be nice, but I have forged other things like switches. Interrutore is switch in italian which I thought was fitting seeing as there are 3 switches in this map. It is an enclosed map that supports many of the game types. This map is recommended for 2-6 players. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there has been a good map with a good switch in it for a while so I decided to make one. There are three different switches in this map. The main attraction is the barrelvator which is a reusable flip switch that uses a warthog to activate it. The other main switch is the one time use scenery trap which I would like to thank my friend tucker60 the original creator for helping me make it very deadly, and trust me it is very deadly. Oh and there is one secret switch (look up, your only hint) that grants you access to the highest part of the map. Other special notes are the two easter eggs, one being the secret switch and the other well may actually be unveiled on accident during gameplay, or you could just look for it. Suggested Gametypes: FFA Team Slayer One Bomb One Flag KOTH Oddball Weopons List: Battle rifle x 4, 45 sec, 2 spare clips SMG x 2, 60 sec, 1 spare clip Plasma Rifle x 2, 60 sec Carbine x 1, 45 sec, 2 spare clips Magnum x 2, 20 sec, 1 spare clip Needler x 1, 90 sec, 1 spare clip Mauler x 1, 120 sec, no extra clips Sniper Rifle x 1, 90 sec, no extra clips Bubble Shield x 1, 90 sec Spike Grenades x 6, 30 sec Screenshots: Overveiw The Barrelvator, press RB to activate, or whatever you setup is. Going Up Barrelvator, behind the scenes Top level, flag spawn in one flag Top level action shot Middle level combat Scenery Trap, looks safe now... Pwned!!!!!!!!!!!! Inside of scenery trap (works by delayed spawn man canon) One of three entrances to main stairwell Inside main stairwell More of the main stairwell Needler pwning in the stairwell Scenery trap stairwell Bottom level, bomb plant point Another veiw Comments Closing Words I hope that you all liked my map, I do appreciate all comments whether you liked the map or not. If you liked the switches you may want to check out : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details One : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing One : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Very nice map very neat and tidy, good layout and aesthetics. your right there hasent been a good switch map in a while its good to see one. But my one critisism is maybe reduce a few fusion coils there seems to be a few explosions i almost every action shot lol. but a 3.5/5 nice job.
theres only 2 fusion coils on each level, not counting the scenery trap which is a one time use thing
from pics the map looks really good, i like the barrel elevator type switch, the map looks very well laid out with its 2 floors and the tower on top with the stairs, looks fun for doubles, i shall download and ge back to you on gameplay.
@sdrakulich - the elevator starts in the up position and then when you flip the warthog the fusion coil falls down into the mancanons and explodes blowing up some other fusion coils right by the grav lift which destroys that, then the barrels go down and 10 seconds later the elevator goes up
I have looked at this map and I am very happy to say that I have been with this project from the beginning. The idea is very nice and Goatnuts executed it very well. The map is very clean and there are no flaws in it. What really makes this map stand out is the elivator. Not only was it origonal but it was a fantastic addition to the map. Also the structers and layout help make this map too. The gameplay is great and every part of the map was used. Atackers start on the bottom floor and must work as team to get the flag/bomb on the floor above. It is genous. Plus it makes for origonal and quite fun gameplay. On top of that you went the extra mile to keep this map from being breakable. It makes the map completely perfect and has absolutely no flaws. I recommend this map to anybody and everybody who sees it. It is truly a wonderful addition to your hard drive.
Wow this looks amazing and it looks like it took a great deal of time to do this i will DL and do a forgethrough of spawns and things and try to get back to you.
Wow This map looks very good, and reminds me alot of bayonetworks by a great forger on this site. The first thing i must congradulate you on is the nice post, and for a newer member yours is up to sandards and has lots of pictures. The map itself looks very neat and tidy, One thing i like is the use of elevation, And also the elevator...Which if i see correctly, is made out of barrels, this alone makes you map stand out alot. One confusion i had is with the traps and how they work, i'm pretty sure its a button type thing that deploys a fusion coil killing others nearby the explosion zone, but I'll have to Download the map to figure those out. I also like your stairwell, it looks so neat and tidy, kinda like a new tunnel rats without the whole maze concept. But its good enough for me. Overall i think this map has good potential and if you keep maps up that have the same quality as this, i dont see why a feature isn't looking your way. EDIT: Nevermind, i see your method for the switch and the elevator, it looks soo sweet, I never thought something like that was possible. You recieve my propls for the new elevator method, And the warthog system.
Finally had enough testing on this did yah? Well im glad to see this map posted on ForgeHub this is one of my favoirte maps sence I've had oh so much time play testing on this map with you. My favorite part would probably be the scenery trap...even though i know the map I still get hit by it like every time lol. Your interlocking skills couldn't be better and the map layout and originality is wonderfull couldn't be better also. I love how you encorporated like three different switches into the map to it definatly gives for great gameplay. I wouldn't doubt if other members of ForgeHub fall in love with this godly creation. Great job Goat, glad to see like I said post it finally. 4.9/5
A nice, neat, and claustrophobic map. A breath of fresh air form a lot of open, BR focused maps. I've only played this map twice, but both times I did I always fell victim to not trusting what my radar showed me lol. A truly great map.
cool map map love the the barrelevator the first pick like some other person said does remind me of bayonenetwork well great job 4/5
I would like to know if there are any helpful forgehub members that would like to help me capture a video of my map, + rep would be in store for you and + it feels good to do something nice for someone and + you would get creditz for video I really appreciate the comments guys keep it up
I loved testing/playing,forging this with you (kinda on the forging part). I loved the design, the hidden switch. takes alot to make it work. it is pretty obvious what the switch does if you actually look at the map. the way you made the switch resetable was amazing. great map with great switches. 4.9/5
So someone used the scenery trap in a map you get a download for that, and the fact that there are 2 switches on it, and one of them I thought of the name (scenery trap) YEAH.
Great overall map, especially for a first 'serious' map. I think the part that catches my, and many others, eye is actually using rb to activate the elvator, instead of a melee/powerup switch. It might've been done before, but I haven't seen it. Nice work.
Wow, this map looks very professional. I like the elevator, I would have never of thought of something like that good job