Turf Classic

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by buddhacrane, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    This is a remake of Turf from Halo 2.

    EDIT: This has now been made the prime remake for Turf in the Remake Database. Thank you voodoo, I am honoured to have been a contributing member to this site.

    EDIT2: Made some slight modifications that should affect gameplay for the better. e.g you can now drive the warthog out of the side entrance of the garage (I've made some other changes too)

    I've done my best to stay as true to the original as humanly possible.

    I'd seen a few other remakes (some very popular ones) but I just didn't like them, they just didn't scream out "turf" to me, the gameplay didn't feel right. (Alot of them allowed you to jump on top of the garage, wtf?)

    Note: You can play all the gametypes that Turf originally had to offer, flag/oddball/territories etc. (Heck you could prob even play a half decent game of hide and seek on this)

    You can also (just) drive the warthog round all the alleys (it wasn't a big priority of mine but at least it works)

    Also, all the weapons are in their original locations and with their original respawn times.

    Link To Map: Here



    Small Room Next To Garage

    Scarab Room

    Room With Ledges

    Street (Med Hut Side)

    Street (Garage Side)

    Additional Note:
    Change your gametype to start with SMG before playing for the full Halo 2 effect
  2. D00dle14

    D00dle14 Ancient
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    looks sweet. im doin one too. ill send u a link wen im done. p.s. hows mass effect
  3. StLouisRibs7734

    StLouisRibs7734 Ancient
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    I don't find this that interesting, compared to the extremely dominant Asphalt. The best part I see from the screenshots is the scenery (Vending Machines as dumpsters). I say that this might be the most alike remake of Turf (Scenery, No Halo 3 Weapons, etc.) but in terms of gameplay, I would stick with Asphalt. I am sure your map is great fun to play on, but is dominateed by others.
  4. D00dle14

    D00dle14 Ancient
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    hate to shoot u down but asphalt isnt a very good map everything is uneven, there is also a bunch of random stuff in it that isnt even supposed to be there
  5. StLouisRibs7734

    StLouisRibs7734 Ancient
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    I still downloaded, I will post a much more in-depth report later.
  6. D00dle14

    D00dle14 Ancient
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    until i finnish the turf can u check out this:

    EDIT by Furious: Don't advertise in someone else's thread. It might be different if that link had anything to do with this topic.
  7. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Yeah I've played Asphalt and it didn't live up to standards to me, hence why I made this. If you wish for me to justify my reasons that I believe this to be a better remake then I shall compare room by room.

    Please don't take this the wrong way by the way, Asphalt is good, It's just that you're comparing it to mine and saying it is better when I just don't believe that to be true and here are my reasons:

    -walls are a bit low, you can jump from the crate to the street (which you most definately could not do in the original and I believe alters gameplay)
    -Innacurate scenery (obviously it can't be perfect but it could've had more)
    -Random side entrance (wasn't in the original and alters gameplay)
    -Front entrance gap just feels a bit too wide

    Turf Classic:
    -higher walls, no escaping except through the original exits as intended
    -Scenery in the correct location and as accurate to the original as I can possibly be (makes for better hiding)
    -Front entrance gap just wide enough for a warthog yet small enough to provide more cover

    Small room next to garage:
    -Room is really really small, a dumpster has had to be used for the plasma pistol spawn rather than a real roof.
    -You can jump from the dumpster up to the wall behind it (you can then see into the garage from that wall as well as quite a few other locations, seriously alters gameplay in my opinion)
    -The room just generally feels too open, with just one wall blocking the street and garage, it doesn't feel like enough.

    Turf classic:
    -Larger room, real roof that requires the dumpster to get ontop of (just like the original)
    -It's still not a perfect room but I would still say it's an improvement.

    Scarab room:
    -A teeny tiny room with no scenary whatsoever, brings back no nostalga whatsoever. Biggest dissapointment in my opinion.
    -Only effort made was with the corner room next to the battle rifle

    Turf Classic:
    -Room is bigger allowing almost all the scenary to be included. At least feels a bit more like the scarab room.
    -Still not perfect I admit (no scarab, lol) but I would say it's an improvement and feels more like the original.

    Room with ledges.

    -missing scenary, no crate or pallet (pallet isn't a big deal in terms of gameplay but the crate makes a difference)
    -Ledges are a bit off, one ledge is a dumpster (again) theres a ledge on one side of where the crate would be that shouldn't be there and the ledge on the other side drops down in the the window room (window room should only have the one entrance)
    -Window room itself is a bit disproportianate.

    Turf Classic:
    -Room is smaller than original but still contains most of the features, all the main ledges are there, crate is there, window room is roughly the shape and size of the original. Not perfect, but again, an improvement.

    Med Hut area:

    -Ok I'm going to admit that med hut is good, looks quite a bit like the original. Most of the features of the med-hut area are there, can't really complain. Just missing a crate.

    Turf Classic:
    -Compromised on the aesthetics of the med hut (although it still plays the same as the original which is all I really care about.)
    -Crate is in there.
    -Even added the wall that you can jump up to (have to use the ledge on the right hand wall), adds a fun extra element from the original that most recreations don't include.

    Street Area:
    -Nothing really wrong with the street, can't jump from one end of the street ledge to the other though which you could in the original (the ledges on the med hut street side that is, not the garage street side)
    -Don't get the shield door thing, the window never really blocked bullets, well, only for a split second during the beginning of the match.

    Turf Classic:
    -Just little improvements like making it so you can jump from one ledge to the other and cornered off the shotgun area to be a bit more like the original, and no crazy shield door.

    General Observations and comparison.

    The weapons on Asphalt are not the originals, if you prefer that then that's ok. I want to be able to play Turf, so I wan't to play with the weapons Turf has. I made sure all the original weapons were on my map in the correct place and I even went as far as checking the Turf Wiki entry to get the correct respawn times for each of the weapons.

    Whilst each of my nit pickings on the different rooms are not much, it's the combined effect of all those things that, when you look at the bigger picture, shows the big difference between our two maps. As a basic example - All the added scenary helps give the feeling of a fuller map, and one that has more life and shape to it, also makes for more cover and ambush spots.

    Asphalt is by no means a bad map. I just feel that my map more closely represents the original Turf in terms of gameplay for the reasons I have highlighted above. I would say that Asphalt concentrated on ensuring the warthog could traverse the map and it caused too many cutbacks on the core gameplay that most people will be experiencing, after all, not everyone will be driving the warthog. My map still allows the warthog to be driven around the entire map, it's just trickier and was not my main design concern.

    you can agree or disagree with my evaluation, I would just like people to justify why they think another version of Turf is better than mine, rather than just saying that it is, that way I can make modifications if I feel it appropriate.

    Also I am open to suggestions. If people would rather "I spruce it up" and put in a Halo 3 weapon set then I can easily do that. I just wanted to pay homage to the original was all.

    Thank you for reading.
    Silent oo death likes this.
  8. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    I like this but unfortunatly though, this is a runner up to the previous remake of Turf I saw. This is still a good remake though, better than I could do. Nice work.
  9. StLouisRibs7734

    StLouisRibs7734 Ancient
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    Wow... Um... Sorry?

    I apoligize for being so harsh. This is a good remake. My impressions Were based on the screens of this. This is a lot closer to the original turf than I believed, and as you stated, the Med Hut is pretty much the only thing Asphalt Has that you don't.

    Thank You.
  10. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    No need for apologies. As you say, you based your assumptions on the screenshots (maybe I should work on my screenshot taking skills). Thank you for agreeing with me anyway, and I have been working on an updated version with a totally re-vamped weapon set.

    Don't suppose you could tell me which remake that is? Link please? I would really like to see it, not to scrutinise and compare but just to see if it is any good. Being such a fan of Turf, if there is a version out there better than mine then I would want to have it and play on it. Searching for a good remake is what I did first before making this one, unfortunately I did not find any I liked which is why I resorted to making my own.
  11. StLouisRibs7734

    StLouisRibs7734 Ancient
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    Look at the Remake Database, it'll be there.
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Ah yes, I found it, the one simply called "Turf" by QWEEWQAZ. I must say it's pretty close, closer than Asphalt IMO, but still has a messed up garage (walls are too small, and I still don't get why he put in another side entrance, why do people do that, I'm starting to go paranoid that there was one and I'm forgetting that it existed). There's also the random fence box in the street you can jump behind and some issues with room proportions, but yeah it's definately one of the closer ones that I've seen, but I think I still prefer mine overall.

    Extra Note: I also just noticed that my turf has been put in said Database. Thank you to voodoo for making it the main one too, I wasn't aware it was going to go in at all. Very honoured.
  13. The Devionne

    The Devionne Ancient
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    I was also unimpressed with Asphalt. This one looks pretty good I'll give it a try. I also did a remake called H3 Turf and I prefer it to Asphalt.

  14. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    looks like a very well thought out remake of the original Halo 2 map. Good job.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    played this and it was extremely accurate this should be featured
  16. Windburry

    Windburry Ancient
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    Very very nice. From the screenshots I can look and tell exactly what room it is supposed to be, and that rarely happens with remakes (especially remakes of Turf).

    I'll download and get back to ya tomorrow
  17. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Heh, I left this for a couple of days thinking I wouldn't get any new replies, but I did!

    Thanks for all the positive comments guys, I'm really glad that people believe I have captured the essence of the original.

    Thank you for playing it and commenting JASONYO, sometimes the screenshots just don't do it justice, but when you play it the nostalga should really come flooding back, don't forget, SMG start! lol. I doubt it'll get featured but I'm happy enough with it being in the remake database.

    Windburry, to be honest I don't think the screenshots do it justice, playing is believing, but yes easy Identification of each of the rooms is a must when playing a map like Turf, there's nothing worse than getting confused where you are when you respawn because the rooms don't look accurate enough.

    Anyway thank you to the replies so far, hope you're enjoying the map!
  18. D00dle14

    D00dle14 Ancient
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    i will say, this is an incrredible map, i love it just as much as mine! and yes, asphalt was horrible totally horrible, it only did well b/c it was the 1st remake.

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