On Monday, September 1, 2008, Cosmic Rick, Dom Says Oi, and Insane54 got together in a Skype chat to form the most epic ever made. Evur. Be glad the forums didnt ASSPLODE! Three maps were released all within the same 20 seconds or so. We were trying to do the same exact second but Dom screwed up. Ah well. Thats probably why the forums survived the awesome.
Aah, I remember that. Good times. Next time a notorious threesome (or, dare I say, foursome) gets together to do something like this, I suggest you all decide to post in the same maps-forum... as this will increase the epic-ness.
lol.... thats real... awesome... lol what possessed you to do this?? were you not thinking of the safety of all other's who are unworthy to this awesomeness??
lucky that you didnt do it at the same time, because im sure that alot of people werent wearing goggles at the time... i know i wasn't.... i was wearing latex gloves though...
You, me Rick and Dom in 5 weeks from now Insane, we shaall cause a mighty asplosion, the likes of never be seen befores!!! or you can reject poor old Ivory and make him post all lonely...
*happyface* EDIT: ****, I was under the impression that this is in off-topic, now I have to post something constructive... erm... uh... L00ks Gud ncie InTrloking 5//5