Our clan back in halo 2 was called AnotherAllNiter or AAN. We had some pretty great times.. alot of feuds but.. still great times. This is the first and only machinima clan I'd ever been in so yea.. The acting's a little weird but it was still funny. Keep in mind these were filmed like 1 1/2 ago. Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIpVm-lMwZ8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah65TKX5jOM&feature=related For those of you who can't see embed or whatever lol: http://www.anotherallnighter.moonfruit.com/
sure. I just posted the site because it has all the vids. It not active anymore so this isn't really advertising. First post ^^
lol thanx, i watched some and you did good with the old halo 2 restrictions for machinama-ing.... it be much easier to do it in halo 3 so i respect you guys for that
oh thanks lol. We're thinking about picking up the pieces and continue with machinima. If anyone wants to be an actor, script writer or anything just let me or Scorpulus know. Our new director is tha ****