Cave Freaks

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Insane54, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cave Freaks
    A Bungie Favorite and Featured map by Insane54 and Shock Theta

    "Get your dude to the places. Hurry up. Watch out for bad dudes." -Cosmic Rick

    Download Fave Creeks (Map)
    Download Cave Freaks (VIP Gametype)

    Featured Thread
    Please download and rate/comment on as well!

    [jumpto=c1]Top of Page[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=c4]Map Description[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=c5]Cosmic Rick's Abridged Walkthrough[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=c7]Hints and Tips[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=c8]Action Pictures[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=c8a]Walkthrough Pictures[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=c9]Special Thanks[/jumpto]

    Through the caves you go,
    Welcoming death as if fate,
    This time it is real.

    Gunnery Sergeant Kevin Anderson woke up with a start to a crunching noise. He sat back in his seat, he was sure the TAV-14 Attack VTOL Designation K258 (otherwise known as the Hornet) would be fine. Everyone knew the Hornet could take practically anything; it had gone through the toughest government testing without a problem. Still…just in case, Kevin strapped on his seatbelt, and put his parachute under his seat. Just in case. Feeling more relaxed now, he went back to sleep.

    He awoke suddenly again to a huge boom, and as he opened his eyes, his head smashed into the seat in front of him. Around him he could see his squad running to get their parachute gear. In a panic, he fumbled with his seatbelt, finally opened it, and quickly strapped on his parachute gear. Just in case.

    “Critical damage, I repeat, critical damage on Part V56-B!,” a voice was buzzing from the speakers. “We’re going to attempt an emergency land..oh, shi—WE’RE GOING DOWN, MAYDAY MAYDAY!”

    Kevin glanced out of the window for a second. Only the intense smoke coming out of engines was different from the snowy white world that glided below him. He gave a retrospective sigh as he took his position in the parachute line. Looking back, he saw structures down on the surface of the planet. “That’s strange,” He thought, “This sector was supposedly uninhabited, according to the Field Guide…”

    “GO, GO, GO!!!” His commander screamed at him. He snapped back to where he was. Still slightly numb from the explosion, he took a deep breath and stepped out of the open door. As he looked back he saw the plane explode behind him.

    Kevin landed softly in the snow, and with trembling hands, pulled out his radio. “Control, do you copy? I repeat, Control, do you copy?!” There was no response; he must have been out of radio range. He threw down the radio in frustration. He ran to the Hornet and sifted through the smoldering rubble. Though blood was all over the walls of the plane, the bodies themselves had disintegrated. Kevin just sat and wept. With a tear in his eye, he realized that he and his friends were probably going to die on this forsaken planet.

    As he wiped away his tears, he thought he saw shapes moving in the mist surrounding the foot of the structure. "I have a bad feeling about this…,” he uttered to his squadmates. The squad pulled out their M7 Submachine Guns and approached the strange structure slowly….

    [aname=c4]Map Description:[/aname]
    Cave Freaks is the first map (to my knowledge) to be a hybrid of classic zombies, minigame, and competitive escort gametypes. There are two sides, the attackers (the cave people), and the VIP Defenders. The Cave People have poor camo and are fairly easy to kill, whilst The VIP and his team must go along a treacherous path, guided only by the VIP points. Getting kills won't score you points, the only way to win is by reaching the destination points, and having your VIP killed will stop your progress and end the round. Remember, this is a mix between a casual game and a minigame, it’s not meant to be 'fair' for both sides. Despite how difficult getting to the end is, it is possible.

    Cave Freaks is, well, just not a good map to play with beginners. You really need to know what your doing to play it well. I know, everyone starts as a beginner, whatever. Just read the walkthrough and hints, play it a few times, you'll see how to play it right. Me and Matty, with 1 or 2 helpers, can pretty much beat any other team. We'll take on any challengers.

    This game uses the health system described in a Bungie Update quite a while back. In short, they use a slower-regenerating 'health' system, kind of like the shield system, but more effectively hurt by human weapons. Using that, I set it up like the following: A sword slash or melee do about the same amount of damage. To kill a human it will take two 'hits'. A hit is a sword slash OR a melee. So, for instance, one cave freak jumps down and slashes an enemy, then the enemy kills him. Another cave freak jumps down, and melees him to the face, he will usually die. The health will recharge itself approximately every 10 seconds. You can stop the regeneration by hitting them again. In short, sword lunge or melee a normal player twice to kill, with as many players as it takes, in a period of 10 seconds. The VIP will take double as much damage. Use this knowledge to your advantage!

    The amount of players you choose is vital to the way the game plays out. It works from 2v2 to 8v8; in general, the more players you add, the harder it is on the VIP team side. Depending on your party's skill level, you should decide how many players to play with. With totally new players, you might want to try a 3v3. I like to go with 4v4 and 5v5 games, with an occasional 6v6, but anything goes.

    Building this map proved troublesome: interlocking is really tough with nothing to base off, everything needs to be floated, the mancannons get in the way, lots of stuff. I finally managed to finish it, though. I was smart enough not to budget glitch, and ended up fighting it till the end. Ending budget=$0. It should be noted the Gloomy filter comes into play 45 seconds into the game. Something also neat about the map is that we floated the Bunker (VIP Point 6) just above the death barrier. If you inch off the platform, you'll die, still on the platform. Nifty, eh?

    This map should be played with the ‘Cave Freaks’ VIP gametype (the map is called Fave Creeks). It works pretty well for Infection, but that’s about all that plays other than matching VIP game. Also included is a challenge: Insane and Shock challenge you to another puzzle! If you found the Darth Mauler in Duel of the Fates, great job... Find the Darth Mauler again!

    As this map is very complex, I am going to give some instructional material for all of you. Reading this, along with the Hints and Tips, should help you understand how to play correctly.

    Right off the bat a Hornet will crash and explode behind you, this is purely aesthetic, so don't worry. Looming in front of you is a large Forerunner structure that fires power cores far into the air (reminiscent of the structure on Valhalla). This can also be used by the cave people, as they can launch themselves far above you and swiftly descend for the kill, ninja style. The cave people have many options during gameplay. Whilst a straight rush isn't usually effective, you can often catch the defenders off guard by rushing from different direction or with many players. You are weaker and can only take a few shots so use your tactics and positioning to your advantage.

    You have to move quickly as the VIP team, because there is a 3 minute time limit, and after one minute you will not be able to make it through the cave, as it will become blocked off. Whenever you see a crate near two fusion coils, you can detonate the fusion coils to block a teleporter that offers quick transportation for the cave people. After that, go to the edge and hop down to the platform below, here you will have to hold out for 30 seconds until the rest of the map spawns. Keep players posted on both entrances and use the weapons you have picked up. You will also find a turret here, more useful ripped off, but can be used attached. The cave freaks can push a fusion coil down and end the defenders efforts once and for all, so make sure to shoot it out of the air if you see it falling towards you. After that, you will begin the run/jump section. All jumps are possible to be done without crouch jumping, but the crouch definitely helps on many of the jumps. Once you get to the tenth point, all you have to do now is fly away for the win!

    Weapons are spread across the map to help you in your quest. Excluding the Shotgun that you can pick up from the cave people, the weapons are:

    • Flame Grenade – VIP Point 3
    • Beam Rifle and Flame Grenade– VIP Point 4
    • Shotgun and Flame Grenade – VIP Point 5
    • Turret, Battle Rifle, Sniper Rifle (Late), and Flame Grenade – VIP Point 6
    • Carbine and Flame Grenade– VIP Point 7
    • Assault Rifle and Flame Grenade – VIP Point 8
    • Brute Shot and Flame Grenade – VIP Point 9
    • Hornet and Sentinel Beam – VIP Point 10

    A couple more things I'd like to make sure you know about. When a human player dies (not the VIP), they will respawn in a room where all they have to do is enter the teleporters ahead of them. Then just use their momentum to get to the platform. The Sniper Rifle on VIP Point 6 is on a 'late' respawn. That is, when the time limit hits 1:30, it spawns, along with the rest of the map. It's a good way to cover your VIP as he traverses along the path. Also, Do NOT try to jump back onto those bridges other way, as you won't usually be able to get back.

    [aname=c6]Cosmic Rick’s Abridged Walkthrough:[/aname]
    Thank you Cosmic for your intensive research and intriguing suggestions!

    [aname=c7]Hints and Tips:[/aname]
    Human Side:
    • As VIP, take the game both slow and fast at the same time. When there are enemies, go slow, and when your clear, run as far as you can. I usually run my way all the way to VIP Point 5 and make sure its cleared, then go. Then when the rest of the map spawns after VIP Point 6, I make sure everyone's gone, then run for it. I wait at every safe spot (VIP Points are good safe areas) and make sure that everything is clear before I continue on. You might feel pressed for time, but try to ignore it.
    • During that part, all your players should be watching out for enemies and protecting your back/front. The way I do it: One guy goes before VIP, and one behind, running backwards and looking up. The last guy stays at VIP Point 7 as they move forward with sniper weapons and protects them from aerial attacks. When they get to 7, the sniper moves over to 7 and protects their approach to 10.
    • On game start, your VIP should start calling out enemies, while the rest of the team kills them. Count off each enemy you kill until you know you’ve killed all of them, and then advance.
    • When going past teleporters, keep a man posted watching them and running backwards with the rest of the squad. This way he can warn the team if enemies are approaching.
    • On VIP Point 5, close the teleporter, clear the area out, and then run for it. Hurry up, though...if you don't make it by the one minute point, you'll have to wait for a minute and a half to get more points!
    • VIP Point 6 is the hardest one to stay at, in general. Keeping the VIP alive for 30 seconds is a lot harder than it sounds! Keep the VIP inside the structure, and leave at least one guy to protect him. I like to go into the back left corner where your farthest from the VIP spawns. Don’t back up all the way into the wall, sometimes the cave people can slash through the wall!
    • There are lots of strategies you can use at VIP Point 6. What I like to do is leave two people outside on each side (near the fusion coil spawns), and have them watch their respective sides. Then I’ll leave one guy in the opposite corner of the house, he is the VIP Bodyguard, who will be watching the sides just in case someone gets past the other guards.
    • When you’re running from Point 6, your enemies will usually spawn above and behind you, use that to your advantage!
    • At VIP Point 6, if you see an enemy standing on the roof, throw a Fire Grenade to incinerate him!
    • When you’re running from Point 6, the VIP should concentrate on running, jumping, and calling out enemies. It should be your teammates’ job to kill them before they get to you.
    • Know the jumps! Knowing when and how far to jump will prevent you from over or undershooting a platform.
    • Keep each other informed about your ammo and weapons in your possession. Divide up weapons and powerups to your best advantage. My favorite is VIP with Shotgun/Pistol, normal player with Turret/SMG, another with Battle Rifle/SMG, and finally, one more with Beam Rifle/SMG.
    • Once you’re hit by a sword or shotgun, hide! If you get hit again you will probably die!

    Cave Freaks Side:
    • In general, try not to random rush into your enemies. Use waves of players, distraction tactics, or coming from different directions to kill your enemies.
    • Once you’ve hit a normal player, hit him again within approx. 10 seconds to kill him. Use that to your advantage when you’re attacking, and use teamwork!
    • Use teamwork to effectively take out enemies. Go one after the other, so you can call out who you've damaged. Your counterpart can finish him off, as it takes two hits to kill.
    • The VIP will take more damage than normal players. He takes an extra two hits, so it takes some extra teamwork to kill him.
    • Find hiding spots: there's lots of room in Fave Creeks, and lots of potential hiding spots. Finding the one that trick your enemies is up to you to find out!
    • From the cave freaks point of view, you have easy access to three major areas through teleporters. Behind your spawn there are two teleporters. The one with a fusion coil teleports you to the outside part of the map (VIP Point 3), while the one without teleports you to the middle cave (VIP Point 4). A teleporter in the middle of the cave people area teleports you to the end of the cave (VIP Point 5). Each one has two receiver nodes to prevent camping.

    Thanks to Bl00D F1R3 for the video!
    Watch this video for a short history of the creation of the map with Shock Theta, then a playthrough all the way through the map in first person through Insane54's view. Watch it now!

    [aname=c8]Action Pictures:[/aname]
    Tons of thanks to !nikheizen for taking the shots!

    "Kablam!" (What I say every time I kill someone as a Cave Freak)

    It's like a race, except...not.

    It's like 'You've been Punked', except instead of punked, its ambushed.

    The brightness...its, like....bright....

    Synchonized Jumping: the next Olympic sport!

    Holding out in the Bunker (VIP Point 6)

    Jesus :O


    *Begin sinister music*

    FOR GRAET JUZTICE!!!!!1111

    The final stand of epicness, dead bodies surround the glittering objective of winlyness.

    n33dz moar int3rl0ck1ng!!111!!!1one11

    [aname=c8a]Walkthrough Pictures:[/aname]







    [aname=c9]Special Thanks:[/aname]
    Shock Theta - Original idea, doing all that floating while I sung songs through the night :D
    Matty - Lots of help near the end
    Cosmic Rick - Extensive research and intriguing comments on the map. Kinda.
    !nikheizen - Pictures
    Bl00D F1R3 - Video
    Pegasi Delta and !nikheizen - Help with the backstory
    Klink258 - Greatest fan ever, and thus the inspiration for the backstory's main character ;)
    SwordScar - Don't know where you went, but possibly the greatest Cave Freaks player ever
    XfX Catastrophe - Even though you wouldn't be my 2v2 partner D:
    TPB Kamikaze - "0.001% of the map"
    Draw the Line - No u n33d moar int3rl0ck1ng n00b
    Albyhouse, Wynters, Paulie Walnuttz, COMMANDERMATT1, Chipsinabox, Roche178 - BF NAO NUBS!
    TexturedSun - NO UR NAIM IZ JONAS!!!11
    AllseeingEntity - Help with outside interlocking/geomerging
    Whisper - Gametype help
    Squidhands and Murdock Sampson - Pictures, even though I didnt use them
    Iv0rY and Bl00D F1R3 - Finding that damn filter
    Dom Says Oi - "Wait, were we supposed to go?"
    Rusty Eagle - No u.
    FH Tester Guild - Extensive testing


    Download Fave Creeks (Map)
    Download Cave Freaks (VIP Gametype)

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    #1 Insane54, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  2. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Invite me to play this game sometime soon, plox?

    Also: nice, nice post. It's like a little novella. Thanks for making this a work of art. This is already shaping up to be my favorite story-driven mini-game yet.
    Sage likes this.
  3. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The release of cave freaks is here, and the 900+ hours of testing is over,
    Well it deserved it anyway, this is one of those Mini Game maps that reminds me of TDF, VERY well thought out, and the game play is epic, I was lucky enought to make it to a testing of Cave freaks before i got the dreaded Red Ring of Death. And lemme tell you guys, Downloading this map is definalttly worth it, you wont be disappointed with its thought out game play, mid air interlocks, and the great use of Start at beginning: no which i will discuss below

    While you are playing this game, you must try to protect your VIP while running throught the map, BUT getting left behind could result in an item spawning and the game being pushed to a halt, so make sure to go fast, and stay as a group

    I would definattly suggest this for any regular custom game night with your friends.
    Nice job Insane.
  4. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This has always been pretty fun, but I haven't played it in a long while - does game play still slow down near the housing section or has that been worked around? Either way, the game is epic and I've loved every sneaking, sword stabbing minute of the game play.

    The only thing I can critique about is your tags... something seems a bit off...
  5. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    I need to play this. It sounds like such a fun and original game. I might even play it tonight, anyone?
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally its released and right before I go to bed. I loved this game from the first time that you invited me in to test it. It took me a while to get, but once you do, it is amazing. It has perfect balance, and requires a lot of teamwork. This idea is very original, a mix of escort and infection. This is a must download.
    PS. I can't believe you, cosmic, and dom posted at the same time. I thought you were joking haha.
  7. Xicemike

    Xicemike Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Hey Nice Map Man Cool Storyline looks like itll play definitely downloading 5/5
  8. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol finally you posted this.

    Well.. I'm no good at writing essays... so this will be brief.

    I think this map is very fun indeed. An original idea and you pulled it off really well.

    Probably one of the best things is that its heaps of fun wether you're attacking or defending. Never get bored that way..

    I like how you've added weapons now. This makes it more exciting and gives you the feel of "classes"

    And the hornet at the end, well thats just epic.

    Another thing I loved is the way the cave freaks attack at the start. They don't all come from the same place. they spawn all around. making the start pretty exciting.

    Y'all done such a great job. Pats on backs are in order.
  9. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    simply.... amazing. this map is so dense with originality, and work that my eyes just melted, leaked out of my eyeholes, then dried on my floor until they became 2 amazed eyeball omelettes. the whole game looks very original, and very fun, the story totally fits with the game as well, great job, can't wait to play, ill get back and rate soon after i play.
  10. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Geez, i tested this map with you probably for at least 900 hours. And this is like the exact same post as your blog. But has this been in progress since like the legendary map pack came out? oh btw, is there still the gloomy filter on here?
  11. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally, with pics taken, and the testing completed it has been posted.
    This map/gametype is like none you will ever see, it is so unique and epic, that its, well epic.
    Not only is it insanely fun(no pun intended) but its challenging, but the good kind of challenging. Not once did i think it was boring, or for that matter, repetitive. Even though it is the same everytime, its not because you never know where the cave freaks will come from next.
    The map itself looks astounding, everything is placed and interlocked extravegently, and plays flawlessly. This map, has probably had more testing then most people will have for all of their maps combined.

    Download now, you wont regret it.

    needs more intermerginz
  12. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    insane, Insane
    i like the mix of cmpetetive, minigame and infection style gmaeplay
    you have to be tactical and get your map to the end, but its cheat proof in the sense that the otherpoints make you walk along the path
    i like the descended part in the avalance chasm
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hornets in the cave? Truly you jest? This is so full of win I can't describe it. I like how you set the game up with the VIP gametype. Can't wait for your next map and the video for this. =)
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Gloomy filter is indeed on, 45 seconds, spawn at start no. I'll put it in the thread.

    Thanks for the all the feedback guys, but dont forget to download, rate, and comment on!
  15. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    finally, finally, finally insane!!! i would play more wit you, but the fact of thematter is, my batteries have ran out, and im filling them up now!

    Ok, on to the review....wonderful map, wonderful playing.....its crazy just looking up, as the human, seeing your friend (VIP) dying next to you, while hoards of zombies shower down on you from above.....crazy, absolutely crazy!

    BTW, did anyone ever finish it completely?
    I remember someone was almost there, almost done, and then the VIP jumped out of the hornet to his death haha!

    Everyone, this is a must download, and you must play this.....this is the next minigame feature, hands down (this should get like quoted in the to show how much amazingness can fit in an avalanche map!)
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hehe thanks. Just look the pics. Getting to the end isnt that tough, its been done quite a lot. Or just pair me and Matty up and we can do it, like 50% of the time.

    Senior Member

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    I give you props on the longest post I have ever seen. I swear I went through so many hours of testing that I am almost sick of the map and I know Insane is too. Even if I played this so many times (along with helping Insane find a FX Filter that he lost, but he later put it into the game again). I remember going through many different variations of the map where I just said "what's the difference in the last version that we just played". But now I know with ever small variations of the map it slower got better and more fun to play.

    The interlocking is great even if there is not much to the map but the map mostly focuses on gameplay then anything else. And that what makes the map even better and that is proof that you don't need over interlocked maps to make it good.

    It's a shame that we can't just make this an automatic featured map already then just waiting for it to be featured, but I'm sure it's time will come soon enough. I can't remember a time where I haven't asked Insane, "when he is going to post this map"? With that being said I am very excited for this map being done, but it's still got a long way to go and great job on the map Insane54.

    P.S. Thanks for putting me in the special thanks thing I feel so awesome and cool. lol
  18. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey insane do you remember me i helped test your map alothough im not part of the forge hub testers lol Its about time this was realeased its one of the funnest mini games ive ever playyed . The idea goes great with the map and it deserves a feature Nice job Insane!!! btw Gamertag St4plgun i added your seperate friend list because yours was full ...5/5
  19. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Insane and Shock!

    Insane you posted it, I'm glad I still need the clips for the voice over. Then I can get the video underway. Now to the map reviewing!

    My First impression of this map was great. The very first time I played it I had a blast. I remember joining in the middle of a match at the start of a new round on the VIP side rushing into the unknown caves awaiting to be crushed by people with shot guns. The game play was additive and fun.

    Since then I have watched this map blossom into something even more. This map was tested no-stop by you to work out all the flaws witch shows how much detail and effort you must have put into this.

    Playing the modern version is still great. I love charging into the cave blowing zombies/attackers out of my way, jumping from plat form to plat form, dodging explosions etc. The map is a lot of fun and a definite download for everyone.

    Its perfectly balanced and fun for both teams. Like I said before you worked out all this in your endless testing. I enjoy playing both sides equally, its a real blast.

    I really can see this being played in TGIFs and causing a wave of imitators. But this will allways be the first/original idea of the plane crash.

    Now that all my blabering abotu how epic your map is I want to ask who in there right mind rated the thread 4/5. Honestly look at it. He has a freakin poem for his map.

    Good day sir!

    oh yeah

    needz more interlocing pl0x, I;ll downalodj and ratez lat0es. g00d mapszs 5/5s.
  20. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Where am I in the thanks? I spent countless hours testing, discussing, and finding that god damn filter on the map. Screw it, I'm editing myself in...

    Anyways, the map is probably the greatest use of a competitive gametype since Teamwerks, and the map is forged to the highest degree,

    Also, I thought it was made by Insane54 and Shock Theta??? lololol

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