I've been trying to get a teleporter (don't care what kind, but a sender would be best) into the blue or black rooms underneath snowbound. My friend has a map where there is a receiver in the blue room, but nothing in the black room. Does anybody know how to get teleporters down there if there's spawn points down there? I've tried the more obvious options and I'm SOL. Any suggestions?
I have blue and black room, but I want teleporters in BOTH of them. If I wanted to just "be" down there I'd put spawn points. I want teleporters to make a game variant. I have a few fun ideas, point is I need teleporters.
Your answer is embedded in your own statement. Start with a clean map, drop a send/receive node next to you. Insert spawn point in Blue Room and then kill yourself. You should respawn in your room and be able to place another node there to get back out and repeat with the other room. You may have to try it a few times, but I imagine that's how the others have done it.