
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Deadley Random, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Deadley Random

    Deadley Random Ancient
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    Bungie.net Heat Map:
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    X-ball re-defines halo dodge ball.
    All humans span in there base...

    The zombie spawns in his base and pushes the fusion coils into the man cannons and the humans try to dodge them... or DIE!!!
    Human base
    zombie base
    How it works:
    The objective:
    The zombie trys to kill the humans by throughing fusion coils at them.
    The humans can only run, and the last man standing gets 5 pts.
    The line up fusion coils are pushed by the zombie, they fall into the man cannons making the go to the humans and go boom (but some of the fun is the zombie can miss, making it unpredictable.)

    The Gametype:
    The Zombie:
    The zombie does 25% damage (just enough for him to kill you), and is invinsible (so dont bother trying to kill him)
    The Humans:
    The humans have 200% gravity( so they cant get out) and 100% speed (so they can run).
    They have no sheilds so can be killed easily (no betrayls) and do 0 DAMAGE!!! so dont think your being specail if you shoot =b.

    P.S. Any Feedback is greetly apreciated.

    X-Ball Brought to you by: Deadly Random
    #1 Deadley Random, Aug 31, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2008
  2. Hurricane

    Hurricane Ancient

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    Can we have a better description of the game and how it works? And why do i notice an unexplained switch in the last picture?
  3. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    Ooh sounds like fun. I have seen only like one other map that has people pushing fusion coils into mancannons from behind a wall and that was an augmented dodgeball. Add some more descriptions like what the gametype settings are and such. It is helpful for us downloaders to get a hint on what it is like. For example, we might think people can get out of the map because the gravity is normal. Which I actually do think right now. 3.5/5
  4. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    alright to the mad ass typing skillz
    looks semi origional, looks kinda bland but still fun
    looks alike after playing 2 or three times might get noring
    good interlocking and yeah...
    mabey to spice things up a bit you should give the humans some defensive things like deploable cover or abube shield that spawn every once in a while
    mabey some astetic touches inisde the map, like in the center... idk
  5. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    this game is as far as i can tell, is not original, but executed in an original way, good job, and i trust that it is impossible to get out of?
  6. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    looks good not great also it seems as if it would be very easy for the humans to escape over the walls i would make them much higher other then that looks nice and fun keep forging and improving i give your map a 3.5 out of 5
  7. Vice671

    Vice671 Ancient
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    Looks like your trying to take credit for my idea. Well, it's okay to me I guess. Looks like you spent a lot more time than me on this map. My was pretty lazy. Just don't say it's your idea.

    Here is the link it no one believes me.Click Here
  8. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    ya i agree with vice, this is the same thing as his, you really should give him credit.
  9. Deadley Random

    Deadley Random Ancient
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    I was actualy trying to find you. Dodgeball wwas on my recent games, i tried it and it was cool, but not the best forging (no offence) so i tried to make it better, so i give u props.
  10. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
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    i will most likely download this when i make more room for it but i dont know if i'll keep it. it seems like it will get too repetitive but you never know.
  11. General Gilliam

    General Gilliam Ancient
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    EDIT: Apparentlly awesome isn't allowed here. I was warned for saying it. from now on I will censor evey time I say ***some.
    #11 General Gilliam, Jan 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2009
  12. JakeyFreeHa

    JakeyFreeHa Ancient
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    sounds fun but looks like it would be very easy to be launched out of the map... if that were fixed i would give it a 4.5/5 but ill hold off my vote for now...

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