I had the Missile Pod on Valhalla, I saw the Banshee flying over at us and I started shooting it was going to the left and I was in the base. I shooted at the base wall too close getting myself a Betrayel and a Suicide.
Here's a short one. Me and my friend we're playing doubles on Isolation, we're both at least 30's and we match up against a pair of 30's. We win 25-1. He got a Perfection cause I'm the only one the actually died.
I was playing doubles on epitah when a rocket guy comes through a shield door. I throw a bubble shield and he fires a rocket. Suicide kill. Stupid team mate going through the shield door......
i was playing speed demons or what ever it is on vahalla and i was zombie and i hit the top of the which is loaded with crap and i splattered someone with a fusion coil then about 2 seconds latter i got another splatter it was sweet
Well I wus playin hal3 campain lvl covnat an I was in guaas hogs turret and then the scARab shot it's leg right down on me and I died when my frend driving survived and the hog survived OR I was playing drive or die with my freinds and they got in da elefant and I tried to get on tried to get on from the front then they splatter me by crashing into a dirt mound so I get crushed between the dirt mound and elefant BTW this wiz typed on my iPhone
missed a head shot on someone who wasn't moving and i wasn't moving lol no one was shooting me and they weren't shooting or gettin shot lol i phail
Was playing VIP on the pit, i shot at the fusions with cones and for some reason the VIP was there and got splattered.
Once in a game of doubles with my friend on The Pit, we were tied 13-13 and my friend had just spawned in the main spawning place near the shotgun. There was and enemy running to the green box near the fusion coils with the cone near them. My friend shot the fusion coil and dropped the enemy's shields. He was about to BR the enemy but all of a sudden the cone smacked him in the head and he got a suicide... We ended up losing 25-24 =(
I have a few. One time, I was playing on Rat's Nest. This guy is driving at me (without a gunner) and I had a Rocket Launcher. This is a no-brainer. I literally hear the guy say "Oh ****." Of course, when I fire the rocket, it somehow doesn't destroy the the Warthog. Instead, the explosion accelerates the Warthog (at what must have been twice the speed that a Warthog drives at), and directly into me. Of course, another time, we were playing One Flag on Standoff. Now, a few of us were simply camping in the Flag spawn room. An enemy has the idea to drive a Warthog in there (how he planned on getting it out I'll never know). Now, of course, me, being the brilliant player that I am, thinks to stick the Warthog. With a plasma grenade. In a confined area. "Kill, betrayal, betrayal, suicide." And now that we've heard about my fail, I have to share someone else's. We were playing Ranked BTB on Valhalla Heavy. I decide to get in a Wraith. Someone else decides that he/she will kill me with a Banshee. Now, a Banshee is a highly maneuverable aerial vehicle. The Wraith is a big, slow tank that can only fire very slow moving mortar shots staright ahead. Anyone in a Banshee should easily be able to get to a Wraith's side, instead of attacking it head on. And, even if someone is foolhardy enough to attack a Wraith head, he/she should have more than enough time to get out of the way of the Wraith's mortar. It didn't.
Mine would be at the beginning of team rockets on ghost town. I spawned in the one area with the needler and I think there is a mongoose. It is a little elevated. Anyway I think the other guys spawned on the other side and when I spawned, I shot a rocket and suicided and betrayed two guys that stepped in front of me. So we started the game -3. We still won.
Well my bro threw down a bubble shield then ran and the other team camped in there .. Then the other team went around the corner and came back into the bubble and my bro panicked and threw a sticky =] Then it bounced off and stuck himself in the face .. Smack in the middle of his head! The screen covered in blue! It was amazing but sadly no vid ..