Before You start reading, this is my post from so it might sound weird with the screenshot positions, the real ones will be at the bottom of the post. Hello everybody! It's been a while since I've made a map but here is my new invention and it's none other than an original mini-game made by myself and only myself this time. Like I said, it has been a while and that's because I haven't had a very good idea in quite a long time but here it is. Hope you enjoy the game and make sure you get the game variant which will have a link in the below text. I will also be making a post on right after this. Anyways, enjoy! Ok so, this is a new mini-game named tic tac toe. It consists of a gameboard and a control center (if that's what you'd like to call it). Here is a good overview of tic tac toe bored: Gameboard. As you saw in that screenshot, there is 9 squares where people will teleport to from the control center. The bridges are to keep you in the squares when you teleport because you will be moving, which I will explain later. The shield doors are so no one can kill you from the control center. For future reference, the squares are numbered starting at the bottom left hand corner, that is number one, next is two, next is 3. On the second row the first left is 4 next 5, and so on all the way to the top right square which is number 9. You will need to know this for the teleporters. Now for the control center. At the beginning of the round each team needs to designate who will be position the players, meaning who will tell the players what square to teleport to. To get a good view the 2 players in command can stand on this. Each commander can share a side and look out the window panes to see what the gameboard looks like and where they're players are. For anyone who isn't being played on the gameboard at the present time they can go through This teleporter and will end up in the spectators box which gives you a great view of the gameboard if you're not on it. The teleporter in the box is a two-way teleporter so when you're needed as a piece on the board, you can pop back down in the control center and teleport to the boxes. Now you're probably wondering about all of these teleporters I've been talking about to get to the gameboard. Well, I've made up a simple but ingenious system to get you into the boxes and not let anyone follow you. Here is a picture of the teleportation system Now I will explain all what you see. In the picture, you see a bunch of cannon mans, crates, and teleporters. Inside each teleporter, there is either a custom power-up, overshield, or active camo, this is to block the crate from being pushed into the teleporter and blocking it because if the power ups weren't there the cannon man would push the box into it. That's the ingenious part. Whenever you go through a teleporter, the power-up will dissapear and therefore the box will be pushed into the teleporter blocking it for the remainder of the round. Now it is kinda of tricky to get into the teleporter without picking up the power-ups before. I've found it best to jump on top of the crates, then jump up and land in the teleporter. That is 100% gaurentee to get into the box on the gameboard, otherwise if you don't make it, it's impossible to continue the game until after the time-limit. Now the order of the teleporters. You will see a Sign A pointing to the teleporters. The first teleporting contraption beside the Sign A will teleporter you to the 1st box, described above on the gameboard section. Then the second, then the third and so on. The teleporters wrap around control center and the last one would be number 9. It's very simple but very easy to get confused. Last but not least, the game variant. You can download it at this link Now about the game variant. Each round is 3 minutes long and that means that if by the end of the round no one has got 3 in a row, it's cats game. The way you score is very dependant on honor rules this time unlike my tennis map. There was not enough room, nor enough materials to make a decent scoring system so both teams have neutral bombs and whoever gets 3 in a row first, plants the bomb and gets the point. The scoring system is to the right of the lookout stairs. Scoring Mechanism. Well now you know the newest mini-game to halo3. Thank you for your time and remember to.... PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! Leave your comments and ratings if you've viewed this and downloaded it. I know this thread has potential and It's going to take you guys to keep it alive. Once again thank you for your time. Enjoy! [./img] [./img] Here is the download link : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Sorry for the confusion earlier, I posted the wrong file on Bungie without the game variant, here the actual thing is! Sorry once again.
I'm confused, is the game board where the teleporters lead to verticle? other than that very original and would probly be fun to play with the map with a big party edit: Is it possible to jump out of the tic tac toe "squares"? Are the bridges high enough to stop people from doing that?
Cool, I would download it but I can't beacause every time I try to link my Gamertag says I'm already logged in
That used to happen to me. I just restarted my cumputer or used another one. The whole tictaktoe game looks very cool! I am not sure whatelse to say from ver cool because I havn't ever seen anything like it. i WILL DOWNLOAD AND PLAY THIS WITH MY FRIEND. It definatly looks fun and soon I am going to see if it plays fun!
This is all very confusing. I don't understand what your supposed to do can you explain this to me so i know what this is about.
if you could make it no honor rules, and a easier way to use the teleport system, this would be a 5/5 otherwise i would just say 3/5
Yes I know. After you use the teleporters a bit it is very simple. Like I said, I would have made the scoring mechanism no honor rules but I didn't have the materials or the money left over to do so. And also, the killing in the control center might happen but there's no way and not enough teleporters to make two command centers so there's no killing. This is just a mini-game that you have to follow a couple rules. Sorry but enjoy. Edit: To the person who asked about jumping out of the squares. It Probably is possible but I made the bridges so you don't fall out when you teleport into them. And there's no way to see what color team is where if I were to make it impossible to get out of the squares.
im kind of confused on how this works but it does look very original andif it plays well then i think you are the first one to do this. maybe more pics would help.