:squirrel_evil: hi im new to posting on forge hub so this will look messy! i click me! to download this is a big house in foundry were you have 3 machine turrets 1 plasma turret and a wide range of weapons to try and survive. this is a infection game and is very very fun=].this is probally the best infection map made because of the awsome build and its unique style. this map will bring endless hours of fun and laughter best played with 4-16 freinds. there is a few pics there and 1 other map that is kind of the same as this feel free to download both maps=][/color]
Hey, almost there, just follow the guidelines :squirrel_wink: This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
This is the second worst post I have seen, but thanks for the forewarning that your post was going to suck. Now please go edit it. Thanks.