imporved fixed Ambush

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by gruntchmpion, Feb 7, 2008.

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  1. gruntchmpion

    gruntchmpion Ancient
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    this is the link here :squirrel_giggle: go to ambush evo

    well i finally fixed ambushed due to consturctive critisim anyway this has fused boxes so there are no bumps walls no longer look ugly and weapon placement is better if you play swat on this youll be adicted to the map thnx for pointing out my flaws

    This map is very good for asuult but extremely fun on 4v4 swat it has many passage and sneaky ways so it is not choatic also it has two levels that have equal fotting it has

    4 maulers
    8 battle rifles
    1 flame thrower
    1 tripmine
    1 radarjamer
    a gravity hammer
    1 rocketlauncher
    and two needelers

    h :squirrel_hug:

    blue base

    red base

    bottom area blue

    Note this is a two level map that has some roofed parts and a crows nest rocket spawn.

    EDIT by Furious: The thread title should be the map name ONLY. This is the second time it is being edited by staff. A third time means it gets locked. We do this to keep the map forums neat and easy to browse. Thank you.

    "Bless this mess!"
    This thread may not reach "Forge Hub's Quality Standards" and may require clean up.
  2. gruntchmpion

    gruntchmpion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: revolutionary map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click her

    have a look out on ambush routes get to the roof for some pownage but beware even there u are not safe danger lurks and u must use team tactics to get on top anyway good for 4v4 and ctf and assult so enjoy

    Pleae don't bash other maps

    Have a nice day,
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: revolutionary map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click her

    Welcome to Forge Hub, sir. This isn't like the Bungie site, and things are done a little differently here. Firstly, double posting to bump your map is a sure way to get nailed by a moderator. Secondly, there's a thread on how to post your map in a way to make it more appealing. I'm sure you spent a lot of time on your map, and this is the best way to show everyone here that.
  4. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Re: revolutionary map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click her

    There's a flag on the play!!! Actually, a whole bunch of flags. It seems like you read the "how to post" section and just did everything opposite. We need you to post just the name of the map,not a paragraph. Link your map to your forum post on bungie,not your file share. Embed pics,give a detailed description not just "it's good,honestly!" Do all these things and people will download your map and not ignore it which leads you to have to do another illegal move which is bumping your post.

    If you need a good example just scroll down the list until you see one of my posted maps. When I post I post to the exact standards and I don't get too flashy so you won't be confused by the crazy looking links and pics and videos some people post.

    Edit: I went against my better judgement and gave your map a look. In the best terms I can think of without insulting you I will say this: Good first try,but you need to clean it up....alot. It's very messy,and while not terrible,it's put to shame by some of the maps posted on here on a daily basis.
  5. gruntchmpion

    gruntchmpion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here

    is it okay now i dont know how to do the pics but those links work just fine and now the name is up there too i hope you are satisfied with the discription this map is a sleeping giant and i hope forge hub notices it okay u should download it
  6. BulletScope

    BulletScope Ancient
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    Re: AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here

    i know my maps are bad and never get looked at *sigh* but this is worse than my first ever post, need to embed pics, i cant be bothered to check the links out, makes it alot easier to skim through also. Not a big description, a good description gives a background to ur map so pll know what to expect, also it is fortified by pics.... point 1.

    The maps alittle messy, maybe slow ur building technique down, if fast ideas are ur problem try writting everything down, this way u can take ur time on alittle section of ur map and then move on when the section is perfect.

    It's a ok map but not downloaded, sorry
  7. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here

    Can a mod please change the title of this just to Ambush and not "AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here" please? Thanks.
  8. gruntchmpion

    gruntchmpion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here

    why it is better than training ground and its not sloppy plus its a good map and for pics er ull have to tell me how and i will how is it messy look at ur map buddy its a bit random okay creeping death check out my othere maps if u wanna see better

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here

    Learn how type properly, embed pics, don't get deffensive, and don't claim your first map is better than something made by the guilders.

    Your welcome for the advice.
  10. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Re: AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here

    Sorry if my response at any point sounds like I didn't understand what you were trying to say,but I was having a hard time reading your big run on sentence.

    I'm not even going to try to justify my opinions to you because I know of about a half dozen guys on here that will tell you the exact same thing I am about to say:

    1. It is messy....extremely. No interlocking whatsoever and the boxes and fences don't even line up. I don't expect a newbie map maker to instantly get into interlocking,but even on my first map ever I at least lined everything up perfectly to make it play smooth and look decent.

    2. It's not better than training ground and just because you say it is doesn't mean it is.

    3. Scroll down the list and see the infinite amount of maps that look just like yours, you may be surprised. My map(not sure which one you are talking about) may look "a bit random" to you,but it at least stands out as unique judging by the comments I got saying just that.

    4. And you can go ahead and edit the name of your post to AMBUSH, not that jumbled mess that it currently is.

    5. Don't take this to heart man, any negative comments you get for your ignorance only helps you to make better posts and create better maps,hell I got **** once just for the name of my map which may or may not have been offensive to a certain group.
  11. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Re: AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here

    This map isn't even good at all every thing is messed up and uneven. Trainning ground is way better! The only reason you have all the comments on this is because this is a fail.

    It's one thing if it is your first map then' I would understand. But if you use false advertising and say your map is better than anothers, that is low.

    Let the map do the talking not you!
  12. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: AMBUSH a map great for swat much Better Than Trainning Ground click here

    Wow this map is garbage. You honestly expected to slap together a messy map and give it high praise. Also, your postin skills SUCK. This should be removed or barred by a moderator because you have not followed ANY of the rules. Never post anything on unless you have experienced enlightenment. Here is what you need to do: Learn proper grammar, correct posting mistakes, follow posting rules, don't post garbage on

    EDIT: Yesssss!, a moderator has come to the rescue.
  13. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Ambush

    i rly thnk u r faling inglish clas, nd i cnt undrstnd nething u r tring 2 say

    EDIT: Spam/flame. Come on, Killer, set a good example for new members. -Lance
  14. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Re: Ambush

    This map is terrible. First of all you claim it is better then another map which always makes people not look at it. Trainning Ground is so much better, it has even gameplay, its one of the Best Maps of 2007 I think, and its fun over and over again. You can't just claim that you think your map is better then someone elses, let the map do the talking and then the READER will decide if it is good enough to be better then another map. This map is uneven, posted wrong, your grammers terrible, you sound like your a kid in the way you type, and you STILL talk trash. Please refrain from flaming and just follow the rules PLEASE! Also the map name should be changed to "Ubamhs" which is Ambush all jumbled up, just like your map!

    Thank you.

    EDIT: Yay! He finally realised what was going on and changed the forum name! Or it was a moderator. Whoever Thank you for doing that!
  15. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Re: Ambush

    I edited you Title and everything in your post about this being "The best map you will ever play".

    Please take your time to post your map, and for gods sake please use a spell checker

    This post is also being edited. Please don't bash another persons map, for one Flaming is not allowed, Two he is a Guilder, and a very good friend of mine.

    that’s probably not the best way to get known in ForgeHub.
  16. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Re: Ambush

    Hey, gruntchmpion, (Ha! He even spelled champion wrong!) you see what happens when you talk trash about another guilder? ALL of Forge Hub strikes back and attacks you brutely! Please for Forge Hub's sake, NEVER do this again!
  17. gruntchmpion

    gruntchmpion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Ambush

    hey did you try the map im fixing it now join me
  18. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Re: Ambush

    Since this kid(gruntchmpion) is appearently mildly retarded,I vote to have this post removed from the forum. It is almost an insult to have this post sandwiched in with so many other nice,intelligent posts.
  19. gruntchmpion

    gruntchmpion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Ambush

    haha asper 49 liked it
  20. PlasmaGlory

    PlasmaGlory Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Ambush hey asper49 liked it

    Never mind, I'll let others take care of that.
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