Castle v.2 funnest Infection I've ever made!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by BAMFthesenior, Sep 1, 2008.

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  1. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    CASTLE v.2

    I recently been making my very series of Castle maps, mainly its a variety of them going from Infection to Slayer to Objectives. This version is one of my personal favorites, also version 1 in my opinion was the worst of my creations, but I will make a post for it later. Anyway, v.2 is a defence fort, you defend it from zombies!! So yes it is infection. Basically you protect the Castle from a dangerous infection, oh and one more thing Zombies can launch catapults at you. The link for the Gametype is the same as the one for the map it self, plus a picture I made that has recieved many downloads. But enough about talking about the map, here are some pictures of it.

    Castle overview

    Back overview

    Human spawn

    Zombie spawn

    Kings room

    Front gate 1

    Front gate 2


    Catapult use 1

    Catapult use 2

    And smash!! hit the Castle

    And last but not least, the King himself.​


    P.S. Please excuse the in convinience of the screenshots i will fix it once I get the chance thank you.​
    #1 BAMFthesenior, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2008
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    All but one of the screenies isn't working. I advise that you get this up to standards by making an imageshack account and embing the pics.
  3. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Search the forums through the search bar to find guides on how to get the pics to work.
  4. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    I'd recommend fixing this within 24 hours or the mods will lock it. Go to Photobucket or Imageshack .com and sign up. There go to the upload section and upload the images you want to use for your map, and then look at the IMG code and click. It should say copied. Go to your post, delete your previous image, and paste the image code for the new one. It will show the image when you save your post. Happy editing!
  5. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Alas 2 of your screen shots are not working for some reason oh well. :/
    Sorry for midevil speak there just felt like saying alas :)

    Onto the review! When i saw the 1st picture i just thought wow! It looks like an excellent made map. I do so love your interlocking in an infection map, that concept for infection is not used too often nowadays.. Your map looks superb except for the limited cover and most likely spawn killing of the zombies. That can turn a great, fun game of infection upside down :/. 4/5 because it looks possible to spawn kill :(. Oh, yeah and i love the catapaults!

    Keep Forging!
  6. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    it looks like a newbie map. i don't mean that in a bad way, its just that everyone's first map is usually a castle or something, but this is better than most so nice job on that, my tips would be...
    well actually i can' really think of anything, now that i've taken a better look, it seems like an awsome map, the interlocking could be a bit neater, but the dumpster thing is creative, defidently the best castle map that a trainee has made, and a great first post 4/5
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    im not saying anything about the broken pictures or else that is spam,
    but to the maker- try making another name. Castle has been taken by hundreds, and even castle v2 has been.
  8. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    Just quick feedback, first and for most I am very sorry about the screenshot issue I am also sorry to inform that there will be none for the next day or so, and just look at the time when I posted this comment because it will become old. Also I highly appreciate the positive feadback im recieveing, and the name, well I couldnt think of a good one, if there are any suggestions, please say, and one last thing, if some of you also read my whole post, v.2 is not the only Castle ive made. i have already made v.3 and v.4, so expect those in the future, but for now please be patient until I have the ability to post better pictures of my maps, Thank you.
    Norbert220 likes this.
  9. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Please repost your map when it is up to the standards.
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