A New Form of Geo-Merging

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by dented_drum, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Ah, yes, the ever-popular Geo-Merge. Upon it's introduction in Forging 101, it was done by "pushing" an object into the ground via the instant respawn capability. Later, a method using Doors and a number of guides to "push" the object down was introduced. When we thought we'd reached our peak, a man showed us that we could Geo-Merge movable objects such as Crates, Wire Spools, and even Vehicles.

    Now, if you would please give me the time, I'd like to introduce my own Geo-Merge. Sometime around 4:00 AM today, I had one of those very 4:00-AM-ish thoughts. This thought was to Geo-Merge myself. Yes. The thought was little more than a joke until we opened up a Canvas Foundry and went to it. The results are as shown below:::


    Here is the link to a video of the event shown in the picture above.

    Please note that no mods were used in doing this. Everyone with an Xbox 360, Halo 3, and the Heroic Map Pack can do this. Happah Faic!

    ++Oh Look! A Tut!++

    You'll need to force a Wall, Bridge, or Fence Wall beneath the floor of Foundry. Do so with the standard Door method, but do not let go of the object. Save after the object has fully merged under the floor.

    Here, you force yourself under the map. From there, you can do one of two things:::

    1) If you want yourself to be further under the ground, place a Single Box and set it to Place at Start: No. Then, start a new round and stand on top of the teardrop where the box spawns. Once it spawns, slightly bump your left stick, and switch to Forge mode quickly (once underground). From there, you can pull the Wall to whatever height you'd like.

    • ^^This step is not required, but I did it to get the height I wanted.^^^

    2) Allow the box to spawn, then do the same you would as if you were going into Forge mode, only minus the Forge mode, lulz. Simply wiggle your stick, and allow the box to push you underground. It is imperative that the box is over where the Wall is. When you're underground, all that will be holding you up is that Wall. Now, have a friend delete the box that pushed you down, and you're now Geo-Merged with the ground. HAPPAH FAIC.
    #1 dented_drum, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2008
    Gamer720 likes this.
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    sooo, how did you do it....BTW i love the vid its hilariously funny at the end...plz teach us!
  3. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Omg, how the hell did you do that?
    Did you like surround yourself with Teleporters, and then putted a Door in your head?
    Awesome man! :D
  4. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Haha, thanks, guys. It really wasn't as difficult as it was time-consuming. It was (obviously) the first time we'd done anything of the sort; so, we had to work out the kinks. I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves, ha.

    I'll explain how before this thread dies, but I want it to be a secret long enough to see if anyone shows up with something to the tune of, "you're an idiot, that's so easy." Lulz.
  5. Oruska

    Oruska Ancient
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    Thats pretty cool. I'm kind of dissapointed that you did not include a tutorial. That's pretty ridiculous. I can understand wanting to show off, but come on
  6. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Lulz. I didn't think anyone would be mad that I didn't show how. I've had full intentions on such since I figured out how. I'll go on and put it in the OP now, though, as I see your point. Actually, I gotta few things to take care of, but the tutorial will be in there today.
  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I've actually had this glitch happen to me on multiple maps. For some reason, if you melee in a certain spot, your character will go into the ground ever so slightly and do a very short lunge at the air. I have never had it go in that far though. Usually I can only get my feet to disappear, and only for a second or two.
  8. Rhinestorm

    Rhinestorm Ancient
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    Lol, that's awesome. He gets punishment for teabagging.
  9. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    I'm going to take a wild guess at how you did that: You placed walls under the level and forced the player under the level with a box. You were then able to walk around on the walls while still having half of you sticking out of the ground.
    RadiantRain likes this.
  10. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    That's exactly what I as thinking.

    Can you move around much when you're in there? I am on my iPod so can't watch the vid
  11. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    epic picture, and nice idea.
  12. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    did you just push a wall under the level and put a spawn point down there? (I know this has already been suggested in this thread but not the respawn idea)
  13. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I got the tutorial up, guys. Enjoy!
  14. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    That is epic, someone could use that in a mini-game. Gamer720 thought of it first!
  15. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Haha that's a classic! Too bad your enemies get an easy headshot on you =(
  16. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback, guys! I'm glad ya liked it. I'm working on a way to actually use this in a map, but it's not easy, haha.
  17. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    a cool way to use it in a map would be to make you go lower than you can crouch and acess a secret tunnel...but you would have to stand in the right spot and get there before the box spawns. then the other players wod have to take a longer route to get to where you are

    great discovery BTW
  18. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    That sounds like a great idea for a puzzle map! Whenever I get my stupid Xbox back from the repair, I'll try that idea out.

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