Welcome to THE PENTAGON Download the map HERE! Download the gametype HERE! Also fun on just regular team slayer Welcome to The Pentagon ladies and gentlemen! The long awaited map since the controversy started! I'll start with a simple description, The Pentagon lies in the middle of foundry against the back wall. There is only ONE way to the top where the entrance to the first floor is located (your gonna need a grav lift). The attackers have pretty good cover consisting of crates, barrels, ect... Their objective is to get inside of the base and take over (aka infiltrate). I know I spoke of this map being a (one bomb) gametype but I went with a territories gametype. That just seemed to be more fun the more I tested it. Anyway... The flag the attacking team needs to hold is located in the basement of the building. To get there you must enter through the roof, make it past the first floor, then drop down into the basement. Hold the territory for 30 seconds! The defending team, try as they might, cannot leave the building. They have two machine gun turrets over looking the two attacking main areas (the attacking team doesnt have a base). Now I kept it to UNSC weapons, Everyone starts out with a pistol, both teams have assault and battle rifles that they must pick up slewn accrossed their areas. Each team has only one shotgun, and one sniper rifle that re-spawns every 90 seconds. However I have hidden TWO big vantage items inside of the Pentagon, one is a weapon, the other is stealth =) Check out some pictures!!!(I left out allot of pictures for a mysterious persana =) theres ALLOT of goodies!! Part of the basement Part of the first floor View from the inside (front) View from the outside View of the building itself =) (there ya go guys!) Download the map HERE! Download the gametype HERE!
Re: The Pentagon (FINALLY) Not to be rude or obnoxious, but teasing community members into downloading your map simply is not effective. Rather than being tempted, they will walk away. I suggest you show what you have to offer, and let them then decide on its worth. [/rant]
Re: The Pentagon (FINALLY) You should make a compatible game type for VIP - protect the President sort of thing. Otherwise, this looks great, other than the fact you won't let us see the whole thing. That's a no-no here on Forgehub. Some of us here like to see what we're DL'ing, as it takes up space on our DL Que'.
Re: The Pentagon (FINALLY) Well its hard to do with pictures because the inside is really I guess youd call it "tricky" Ill go add a picture of the actual pentagon itself =) EDIT: there ya go a picture of the pentagon itself (hours of interlocking involved lol)
Re: The Pentagon (FINALLY) Typically, the one-entrance idea is a dangerous one. It's called bottle-necking...it forces the entire team to advance through that single entry. If you're going for that, I understand; however, games are usually more fun and more challenging when the defenders have to guard at least two entrances. The problem with one is that it really encourages camping, and, thus, poor gameplay. Keep it up! I like the fact that you're listening to advice from members. =)
Re: The Pentagon (FINALLY) My thinking exactly. I'm glad to see this isn't as dumb as your description beforehand led me to believe. I thought it was simply an open pentagon building in which attackers can just jump into from any side. Much better. Still, not worth a dl. I suggest working on how to make it more fair for the defenders if all they can do is sit. Some people like to rush at the attacking team and take them by surprise.
The attacking team has allot of advantages, also i didnt mention but they can be picked off from the outside by a sniper. The one way entrance is basically to get the feeling like your sneaking it i suppose, ill add another entrance and test it out. Also The attacking team doesnt just "sit" the idea is theyre stationed inside of the building, and if your there trying to protect it why would you leave??? They can attack at the defending team coming across the field from the front so they can kill people before they actually get inside. So try it before you go off saying its not worth a download.
If I were you I would open The Pentagon up to have more than one entry in. This game seems pointless with only one possible access route. Looks ok on the other hand.
trust me thats not as big of a deal as you guys think it would be i've tested this map allot and usually one or two people sneak in at a time while the rest keep the people up front busy i promise lol just try it dont judge it first.. and if you guys think that the reciever nod there is how you get inside its not THAT would suck, thats how you get back up from the basement
I've tested out the double entry thing and it just doesnt seem to work as good as the single entry does... Sorry if you think thats a terrible thing but you should at least try it before you go hating it for no other reason than an assumption.