.: Download :. Bridge .: Description :. This map is based off of the campaign mission "Halo" from Halo: Combat Evolved. It is the part when you enter the cave and see a light bridge that you must activate. This is a replica of that light bridge and the surrounding area.This map was made by o Victim o and XxCRAZEDKILLAxX. It supports Team Slayer, Assault, CTF, and Oddball. Recommended Gametype: Assault .: V2.0 Updates :. - More Mongeese - No Falling Fusion Coils - More Things To Hide Behind - Overshields - Better Flag/Bomb Placement - Fixed Spot Under Stairs - Ect. .: Weapons :. Covenant Side - Carabine - Mauler - Plasma Rifle - Beam Rifle Human Side - Battle Rifle - Shotgun - SMG - Sniper Rifle Middle - Spartan Laser .: Features :. - Light Bridge - Death Pit - All Gametype Support - Great Gameplay .:Screenshots:.
Well, I like the idea, but the map looks like it lacks cover, or scenery at all to spruce up the relatively barren look of the map. Also, with a spartan laser, nobody will ever make it across the bridge safely.
Thanks a lot! Sorry, but we have like $2 left and so we couldn't afford any more cover. Also, make sure your team gets the spartan laser if you want to get across the bridge. =P
Its so basic so I hope the gameplay makes up for it. Also are you sure this should belong in the competitive map section? Good work overall.