
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by I Pink Mist I, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. I Pink Mist I

    I Pink Mist I Ancient
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    Map Title: OMEGAOmega is a pimpalicious square map with a single axis of symmetry, drawn from one base to the other. Bases are asymmetrical, one with a Brute Shot, the other with a Needler. Set up for Territories, CTF, Slayer, and Oddball.

    Download Map
    Recommended for above gametypes.

    Uh, it's kinda my first ForgeHub map, so don't be too harsh. :|

    Uh, so pretty much, this a small squaretastic map of epic proportions. It's best for 6-8 people, and 8 is pushing it.

    The layout is really simple. It's a square with raised edges. By the Blue Base there is a staircase, and by the Red Base you jump with bridges. Both bases have an open box merged into the "ramparts", on top of which is a sniper. They aren't too useful except for no-scoping nuubs. By the Blue base there are two two-way nodes, each in a little alcove. The centerpiece has a depression in the middle with a regenerator and a mauler below it. Two bridges lead to the walls next to it, by the teleporters. There are plenty of grenades and BRs scattered throughout the level.

    Gimme a hug!
    Gold Teleporter and an uber assassination
    Purple teleporter and incorrect use of Deployable Covers
    That would have been bad.
    Centerpiece. Silly entrance isn't in front of me :(
    I'ma zwn you.
    I wants meh FLAAAG!
    The light at the end of the tunnel! It BURNS!

    Overview from above Purple Teleporter.
    Overview from Blue Base.

    Weapons List:
    Mauler x1
    BR x 16 (...I like them...)
    Carbine x4
    Needler x1
    Brute Shot x1
    Sniper x2
    SMG x2
    Plasma Pistol x2

    Flare x1
    Regenerator x1
    Trip Mine x2
    Deployable Cover x2

    Transport Hog x1 (That's a joke. If you mention this, you're stupid. Epically.)

    So, that's my map. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS. But it'd also be nice if you happened to actually play it, not just say "neEdz moar interlawks 4/5 I think tha trip mines are teh overpowered, and ur a nub transport hawg iznt a vehikle"

    Download link at the top, hit "Page Up" for a super elevator of Internet.

    >>Woots, 5 DL's in under an hour!
  2. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    first post

    Cool map. Very solid for your first fh post. You might want to check out forge 101 for cool tips on stuff like geomerging and interlocking. i like how the bases are asymetrical. i dled and played some games and the gameplay works fairly well. This map is quite easy to escape if you have any money or walls you should highten the wall some. I also like how you used weapon holders to hold down the movable objects. cool map 4/5
    #2 Stratigon13, Aug 31, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  3. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    mabey have some seperate screens of the maps geometry without a intense battle going on
    the bridges look a little to far merged into the boxes, might cauze spaztic bumps
    nice call areas, and sounds like fun
    good geomerging also
  4. V Undertow V

    V Undertow V Ancient
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    Dude, that was so much fun to play on! You get owned in alot of the pics =\
    But anyways, yeah, it was great. Only a few problems, like the Brute Shot area, a teensy bit sloppy, and some unevenness. But bro, this was a great first map. 5/5.
  5. doomsdayassault

    doomsdayassault Ancient
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    by the screenshots i can tell the bridges are not correctly interlocked with the boxes. but it looks fun.
  6. Xxnimasisxx

    Xxnimasisxx Ancient
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    Well looks like a fun map =) Pictures are a little blury, could try using another source to put them on there. Probley could try useing diffrent tags too. Other than that, good map, guessing this is your first one since you have 8 post, good job, keep it up =)
  7. Happy War Cow

    Happy War Cow Ancient
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    Sorry about getting to you a little late, but hey, late's sometimes better than never. Alright, where to begin...

    Ah, yes. The Flag Rally game was soooo much fun. Oddball was epic. You won every time... but hey, at least I won a game of Slayer. The map plays perfectly with everything you set it up for.

    Some of the interlocking is blah, but other than that, it was epic. 5/5, great work.
  8. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    Its OK forge wise, but I cant imagine well Game play on it.4/5
  9. I Pink Mist I

    I Pink Mist I Ancient
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    (there are some gameplay shots there too)
  10. Shell Shock

    Shell Shock Guest

    The map has a simple warlock styled layout but it seems you have some bridges that make it easier to move along the map. Its a decent map good work.
  11. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    The map looks great with the clean interlocking and close quarters gameplay is the cherry on the top looks beastly for 1v1/2v2, but the use of teleports could be cheap for oddball campers, that is the only thing I would change.
  12. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    ugh another remake... anyways you have some great forge skills but please try making a map that hasnt been done or already will be remade by bungie sooner or later. i hope i dont get an infraction for saying this but its true
  13. I Pink Mist I

    I Pink Mist I Ancient
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    What's it a remake of...?
  14. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Well it seems like a good map from the one picture that actually shows the map it looks interesting for a 2v2.

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