The map is done You can find it Here Odd that Post below and I'll eventually get a game going. I added a truck in the back hallway __________________________________________________________________ The first of many testing grounds for anti-covenant procedures. Many called these installments "inhuman" but all resistant ended after the new Mombasa slipspace event. These bunkers became a part of life. no one discussed what went on there, and no one heard the screams coming from inside. Test ground codenamed "Breath" was easily the most horrifyingly successful of the installment, headed by General Richmond Grey. His team single handedly developed the technology now utilized in master chief's shield systems. But soon the inevitable happened. These "Test programs" became nothing more than isolation zones, places of mind crushing loneliness. The first break happened on May 30th. When one of the test subjects get lose and killed several of the overseeing scientists before being "contained" after that it only became worse. the side effects of serum A-39 because evident. The Defence program shut Richmond down. When he refused to stop they sealed him and all his scientists inside. Trapping them with their victims. The installment was soon forgotten by all but the few who lived close enough to hear the hell going on inside. __________________________________________________________________ You play as the sad forgotten few, driven insane by the infection. You fight for survival, the last few remaining you are mindless killing machines. The main test facility, largest of all the rooms. Contains two broken cages. this room is where it all began. Where the first few fell. Branching off from that is a hallway with a transport truck, this is where you would have transported the serum to solders all across the universe. but now the doors are concreted shut. There is o escape, and the truck sits dormant useless taking up space. Traveling on further is the basement. this is where the serum was stored. Along with a teleporter to god knows where, only general Rick was allowed to use it. Through a narrow crawlspace is the basement lobby. the "Pretty" side of what went on here. Showed to high ranking officials. From here yo can travel up the stairs through a small hallway and back into the main test facility. Or you can travel up a chute into the third floor hallway. This place used to be used for sleeping accommodations, but all beds and blankets have long since been burned. This is where the scientists made there last stand. Where this new life became final. The last crushing of hope. __________________________________________________________________ Here are some shots *New*Hallway off of main room connecting to Basement with truck. Main room 2nd Room Stairwell Basement Lobby Chute 3rd Level Hallway Basement Hallway Hallway Lobby And some shots of the game Eat it Rosebud Protection Don't go towards the light. -Blam!- Aww son of a B---- I would have shots of the first test game, but i forged afterwards and now my recent games are full of forge's. Sorry guys, my bad. You can see the old thread Here
This looks pretty cool. Nice structure. "Hi. Im xXmooregamesXx, and I approve of this map." Lol. I should run for President...
Not bad, but the screenshots from actual gameplay show nothing of your map. They're quite claustrophobic, actually. I like the crouching areas, especially, though. However, on the "2nd Room" picture, is that fence intersecting with the other object? It looks sloppy.
I do not understand the name of this topic/map. Secondly, it'd do your map a lot of good if you'd add a description on what it's like. People are always curious, and downloading takes a lot of time and effort. You need to convince them it's worth their time!
Your map sounds really cool so please provide a description that helps explain it in thourough detail. Its hard to navigate the map without one. Look good from what I can see so nice work.