
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Alec944, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    Download Revenge
    Download Gametype

    This is my newest map, Revenge. Revenge is set up for 3v3 and has three different levels. The main level is made up of two narrow hallways leading up to flashing lights. It also has an open area where teams fight with medium range weapons. There is a main bridge and two lower jumping platforms connecting the two bases. The Main floor has a medium amount of cover.

    The lower floor has a good amount of cover compared to the size. On either side of the lower level, there is a series of man cannons that shoot the player p to the top floor. Doors, signs, and barriers provide a good amount of cover. A overshield is located down here.

    The upper level is the smallest level. It is a floating platform with two small barriers, a door, two BRs, and a active camo. It can only be reached by use of the man cannons on the lower level.

    Red flashing lights on either hallway
    Zoomed out view of one of the red light hallways
    Main bridge on left, medium range fight area on right. Also you can see part of the lower level and mancannon.
    Other side of main bridge and lower level
    Upper platform

    Carbine x 2
    BR x 2
    spike grenade X 4
    Plasma grenade x 4
    Frag grenade x 4
    Shotgun x 1(60 sec respawn, no spare clips)
    Fuel rod gun x 1(60 sec respawn, no spare clips)
    SMG x 2
    AR x 2

    Bubble shield x 1
    Overshield x 1
    Active Camo x 1

    I want to give some credit to the silence broken, because when i saw his map with the red flashing lights geomerged, i knew i had to put that in my map. All surfaces are interlocked, so it should be smooth. There are vehicals and power weapons outside of fence boxes to taunt the player.
    NOTICE* Due to the multiple levels, it is very easy to get outside of the map! The Revenge gametype MUST BE USED!!! The gametype is KOTH, but it is like normal slayer inside the map. If you go outside of the map, you lose points.


    I just realized that i didn't take any pictures of the lower level, but it has a low middle ceiling, two doors on their sides, an overshield, a fuel rod gun, two signs for cover, two barriers for cover, and two different mancannons to launch you to the upper platform.]Download Revenge]Download Gametype
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    wow, i was about to flame you, cause i thought you stole vertabraille, but it does seem a lot like it, did you just delete most of vertibraille and add on to the really cool parts, cause if you did, thats not cool, if you didn't, then its a reall awsome map, seems kinda small, and i see several spots where you can escape, but its made well, just post a v2 so you can't get out.
  3. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    No i made it from scratch. Yeah i gave him credit for the light thing, i just thought it was super cool, so i wanted to put it in one of my maps. Also, i'm aware that that it is super easy to get out. That's why it has to be played on the certain gametype, so if you go out of the map you lose points.
  4. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    ya, but thats kinda lazy, it wouldn't be hard at all to make it unescapable, you probably have enough stuff to make a roof, like me map, CAVERNS i didn't have to worry about peps escaping, cause theres a ceiling
  5. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    wow stin way to adverise your map lol jk "like me map cuz im a pirate arg"
    im kind of disipointed cuz you decided to make a vertibraille like map and you FAILED at it
    the basic idea of this map is from thesilencebroken's map vertabraille, and you executed it poorly, this map is escapable,messy and not even that good looking
    mabey next time, come upwith your own idea instead of taking a great one a giving it a bottle of bad wine

    hope thisisnt to harsh.... sry if it is
    random wine refrence?
  6. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    All i did was use the same light idea. I even gave him credit for that in the orginal post. So from now on, no one is able to use the lights in their map? The map it's self is actually very neatly interlocked. To other person, i did plan on making a roof(or just extending the barriers higher.) But i ran out of both types of boxes, and even though i was using that new unlimited money map, i ran out of money. So i didn't have much choice.
  7. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    if you used unlimtied money, than you wouldn't have run out, and i doubt you used all your money anyway.
  8. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    I used the new unlimited money glitch map. When i start the game, it says i have like 200 dollars, but when i spawn something it goes to 0. Then it will only let me spawn certain things, which includes pretty much no scenery

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