Navy Harbor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MattDGiant, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Map Link Here

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    The Spartan Navy was founded in order to help win battles against the dreaded Enemy. Awfully intense battles were fought across the vast oceans in order to secure naval bases and islands. These battles weren't always won however, and the Navy found themselves being attacked on many occasions. With this in mind the leader of the Navy, Captain Frank McCaine, decided that smaller, discreet bases should be formed as well as the large ones. One of these bases was the location for one of the greatest mysteries of all time.
    It had begun as an ordinary day, but it would become anything but ordinary. The workers had just arrived and had begun work on constructing the base, codenamed "The Last Resort". First, a giant wall had been constructed to keep trespassers out. Secondly, materials and machines had been brought in to help build, like forklifts and a large crane. The first ship to be completed at the base was called the Blue Dawn, but sadly, it would never get a chance to sail the high seas.
    The next day, more materials and some weapons were brought in. The weapons were needed because soon the construction of the ammo depot would begin. A new building was built overlooking the area, and the Supervisor would often stand up there to yell orders at everyone. Food supplies were running low, so workers decided to take the rest of their day off to catch some fish and birds, which were very plentiful in the area. That night a bonfire was held at the beach and it was a night of relaxation.
    By the next morning, "The Last Resort" was completely devoid of life. All humans, all animals were gone. Many people say they were attacked by the Enemy. Others say they just plain left. Heck, some people say that there was a ghost haunting the island that scared them away. However, nobody really knows. The case was a mystery, all right. All of the machines had been left in the position they had been last used. The crane was still running, the forklifts were still lifting, and all the weapons were in place.
    Nobody knows what happened to the work force of "The Last Resort". The only thing certain is that they vanished over night. The base wasn't even finished.

    Will you uncover the mystery of the secret Navy Harbor? Or are you just gonna kill people using it as your new battleground? As most people prefer the second choice (myself included) I have created four game variants for this map. They are:
    Harbor Slayer
    Harbor Zombies
    Harbor Flag
    Harbor KOTH

    Ooooohhh pretty!

    I am sorry that the screenshots are not embedded, however, I am new and do not know how to embed images. The least I can do is give you a link to each one. If u have the time or u care please comment and tell me how to embed images. I know a lot of people don't download withouth being able to see images immediatly, but please, give this a try anyway.

    The Wildlife
    The Wall
    The Crane
    The Battleship
    The Sniper Perch
    The Mongoose
    The Camo
    One if by Land
    Action Shot 1
    Action Shot 2

    Note from the Author
    This map is mainly for 2-8 players... too many and it just won't be fun. I think.

    It is mainly human weapons, although you will find 2 plasma grenades in their somewhere... hmmmmm....




    Please, if you have any suggestions on the map tell me about it and ill try to fix and/or add it. Also, if you just wanna play it send me a friend request! I'm always down to play custom matches, especially if it is one i made.

    Have fun!
    #1 MattDGiant, Feb 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2008
  2. xX Pyro42 Xx

    xX Pyro42 Xx Ancient
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    Please embed your screenshots. Read this topic, the second post in the forum covers embedding screens.

  3. Nate the Gate

    Nate the Gate Ancient
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    This really comes across as everything but your story was done lazily. The map doesn't look very polished, innovative, or creative (i.e. the "ship"). The fact that you didn't even try to learn to embed the images or read the how to post maps thread just shows you to be even more lazy. Overall, I'm not impressed. Try putting a bit more work into it then updating it.
  4. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    "She's a beauty" does not describe your ship. Also, ships have been done many times, and with great success. Some aesthetic maps would blow this one away.

    Rather than trying to compete with others' creations, why don't you use your forging talents to assemble a completely original map?

    Also, embedding screenshots is basically a must if you want your map to be recognized.
  5. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Like Lance said it would have been very easy for me to forget about this post after not seeing any embeded screenshots, although I was curious to see how someone would make a Navy Harbor. And unfortunatly I must say I am displeased. Please spend more time producing your own ideas, rather than making something that has already been done. Thanks.
  6. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Thank the comments everyone. I will try harder next time and maybe somebody will actually like it. However, I would like to say a couple things.
    1. Lance001- The boat was not supposed to be like amazing. I simply had a few containers left over and decided to make one. "Shes a beauty" was a sarcastic remark. Also, I totally agree with you. This is probably one of the worst ships in the world compared to all the sick ones made on foundry. Unfortunatly for me, I do not have the Heroic DLC, and I have not seen the maps in person.
    2. I wasn't trying to recreate something that has already been done before. I just thought that it would be fun to make a map on the beach, and totally closed off. Personnaly, I have not seen any maps like that before, and did not think I was being unoriginal.
    3. Everyone- actually did try and figure out how to embed images. I looked through that thred and was unable to find anything to help me out. I dont know, maybe i'm just blind and didn't see it.
    4. Thanks for trying it out anyway, even if you think the map really does blow. I enjoyed it making it and playing it with friends.
    Does this mean that u think I have a talent? Or does it just mean that I should try making something else?

    Sorry about the whole screenshot thing anyway.
  7. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    How to embed your pics...the easy way!(but time consuming none the less)

    1.Open an account with an image host. I use,some use imageshack....doesn't really matter.

    2. Go to your profile,click on a picture and that should enlarge it.
    Cycle through the pics you want and right click and save them to your computer.

    3. Go to your image host site and upload the pics from your computer.

    4. Find your pics and click on one to enlarge it.

    5. Open a new tab to Forge hub and start your post. There is an IMG tag button near the top of the post,click that. It says insert image when you mouse over it.

    6. Go back to your image host and while enlarged right click and select "copy image location"

    7. Paste the image location inside of the IMG tag and do that with as many pics as you like and save.

    Congrats! Embedded pics :0)
  8. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Thanks Creep1ng De4th!
    ur advice helped me out a lot.
    I've only embedded one picture however, seeing as most people have told me that my map blows. If theres any increased interest, you'll see more pictures. However, until that happens, i''l be making a new map, hopefully one that won't be hated and onoriginal. yeesh.
  9. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    No prob Matt,can I call you Matt? Always happy to help since honestly,I'm pretty new at this too.
  10. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    haha yea thats my real name anyway... send me a friend request! I'd like to play with you sometime
  11. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Sure thing, but just one question,how old are you? I have a thing about playing with anyone under 16 because it makes me feel like Michael Jackson since I am 26. If you are under 16,no offense intended,and it's not you since you seem nice enough,but I just can't play with you.
  12. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    michael jackson huh?
    oh well
    im 14, so i guess not
    but thats cool. thanks for the help anyway
  13. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    No worries man,you're a cool kid in my book. It's just me,I'm weird like that.
  14. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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  15. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    I like your ship man.. Better then I'd make.

    Support your fellow Forger.. Download a Map!
  16. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Haha thanks man. your like the only one!

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