Visionary When the UNSC discovered that there regular units where no longer capable of fighting the extremely powerful elites they thought it was time for a new project. The Spartan I project. This facility was designed to train these new Spartans and was given the codename "Visionary." After the end of the covenant war it posed no value to the UNSC and so was changed into a Memorial and Museum. 2-8 players Hello forgehub. Visionary is my 5th map here on forgehub and by far my best. It is a small asymmetrical map that supports Team Doubles, CTF, One sided CTF and one sided assault. This map was constructed over 3 days and took about 18 hours to construct and work out effective spawn placements. Forging 101 used Interlocking Geo merging (very little) Effective spawn placement Wall mounted weapons Heres the weapons list BR x 5 Carbon x 4 Plasma rilfe x 2 SMG x 2 Rocket x 1(0 spare clips) Sniper x 1(o spare clips) Needler x 1 Magnum x 2 Plasma pistol x 1 Equipment and grenades Regenerator x 1 (different spots in asymmetric) Flare x 1 (asymmetic only) Frag x 8 Plasma x 8 To play the map these games types make it much better. also they are needed so the people dont get stuck inside the display warthog boxes. One Flag CQB One Bomb CQB Team Doubles CQ Finally the Map VISIONARY Heres the overview layout(i suck at paint) defenders base is on the left and attackers on the right This is the defenders base (it features a curved barrack like roof) This is hallway one out of the defenders base This is the other hall out of the defenders base its leads to the stairs ( its the hall above the defenders base in the diagram) This is the main hanger that both halls lead to(notice the curved hanger like roof) In the pic above you can just barely see a open single box wich leads to the rocket spawn This is the Attackers base ( its the very top part of the diagram with one carbon and plasmas) This is the attackers weapons locker (weapons on wall) its right across from the attacker spawn room These are the stairs directly in front of the wepons lcoker. they lead to the sniper tunnel. This is the sniper tunnel Now some action shots taken from our last one flag test game No you cant have the flag! Dont throw that at me this is what happens when im pissed Thanks to all my testers for there great help. JR48, Playa7593, Admonuk, CopperTopCrew, and Captain Syvaris. Please leave your comments and download and rate. IF YOU MISSED THE LINKS THERE ABOVE THE LAYOUT PICTURE.
FIRST 3rd time in a row haha nice map 4/5 get pix that havew more ovreviews(damn they lagged my comp!!!) id dowload if it wasnt for the crappy 100 limit!!!
Cool map, but how do you get the weapons to stay on the wall like that. It would be a neat technique for me to use in a couple of my maps.
It would be nice to see each level of the map as more as an overview but from the pics we do have - it seems alright. I would suggest cutting down the amount of weapons on this map. In Bungie's map they obnly have a few but if you toned down yours but made the weapon respawn faster, i think you would get better gameplay out of your map.
I usually merge a box together with the weapons inside of it. This hides it. However, this looks more like he merged a weapon holder inside the boxes below it at an angle so that the holder would lift it and basically suspend it on the wall. I'm probably incorrect. But that's what it looks like.
you interlock weapon holders into the walls. but that looks really nice, i like the small tunnels and close areas, looks fun for 1 flag CTF
for all the people asking how to get weapons on the walls. all you have to do is interlock a weapon holder into a wall and then place a weapon against the wall. the weapon will float there like its hanging on the wall.
Wow. Very nice interlockage and design. To me, it looks like a giant maze. I have to check it out further to see if it is or not
awesome map, ima download great interlockink and the weps on the wall is pretty kool to i c it alot but i still like it (and for the record ur better at paint then me). overall 3.8/5