Map Title: Monster Tank whatch out its the monster tank Download Map Description: in the monstertank their is an weapon wearhouse in the bottom of the tank and it has a power core in the back and it shoots rockets (soccerballs), their are three floors a basement the armorys, the second the power core and the top floor the turret. front veiw top floor 2nd floor armory 1 armory 2 armory 3 power core "rockets" entrance front air veiw back air view side view tanks turrets
Picture not working and you should've put in more anyway. Sounds like a good map. Emphasis on SOUNDS.
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Armories? No way. If you say this is for slayer, those definitely won`t work. Remember, armores are only useful in infection, otherwise they turn into major balance issues. Aside from that, you should get more descriptive when talking about the map.
Copy and paste into your post. Code: [noparse][IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [/noparse] Edit: Bah, he fixed it before I finished.
Really cool I like how it's shaped like a monster. But there are also so amteur mistakes here like putting tons of power weapons on and every pice of equipment in one tank. Perhaps look and the weapon placement section of Forging 101.
i think its a good aschetic map, could be a good infection map only if the infected had theyre own "base". The tank looks like a fat fish in one of the pictures
Pretty good. this is a nice idea, but does not seem to have one thing...what is it missing...INTERLOCKING! nothing here is interlocked, and it should be. this map will increase its liking 10 fold if you interlock it. i think it would be worth a download if its interlocked!