Cadical The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: KOTH,CTF,Slayer. Map Description Cadical is a 2v2v2 map. It was supossed to be for 2v2 until my friend ( thanks Squigy) taught me how to geomerge (This is my first Geo merging so please tell me if anything is bad).Well any way, Cadical has a layout that I haven't seen before. Its not one of those maps that has a house or a waterfall its just pure competitive. It has great playability, which is so much fun. I don't really have a custom gametype for this, so just make your own. =) Pics _________________________________________________ A Base B Base Warhouse Sniper Spawn (with Non-Campable Fusion Coils) MBRAT (Multi Barrel Rotating Artillery Turret) or Non-movable Warthog. GeoMerging More GeoMerging Brute Shot Spawn Wall GeoMerging I would like to thank SniperSev07 and SquigleyDoodle for testing the map. Also I thank GameyGAME Freak for giving me some Ideas. Also My friend SniperSev07, is making me a video for the map on youtube, it will be up soon. Download Link:
for your first geomerging, its amazing, how did you get that box in the hallway? but other than that, the map could use some work, i see several places where i could help you, to make your map better, if you'll send me a FR i'll help. gt stin10
there are some interlocking problems like in the first pic move the single boxes down a bit so they dont mess up the slanted surface having open double boxes on there side is a bad idea there pretty hard to jump into interlock the slanted surface and the fence bridge and the stairs having bunkers with barriars is a bad idea interlock walls into them so you can just see over if you fix all these things you will have a very good map but because there is so many problems i will not DL
this map could use some work, you seem to ahve interlocked kind of messily, and you have over used barriers in my opinion with some help (from stin hes a good forger) this map will turn out pretty good wats the point of that warthog, could of just used a turret
Yeah I thought people would say that. I didnt show that much in the pics. And I geomerge it in the wall in front of the tunnel and keep on doing it until its back there.
really good map although the interlocking is very sloppy i would clean the map up a little and make a v2. teh geomerging is great btw 3.5/5
This map needs a lot of work, here are the things needing a few adjustments: -The angled ground in the first picture needs some adjusting in the back area. -You should slightly geomerge the open boxes into the ground so you don't have to jump in and out of them -You should make the barriers straighter in picture 2 -You have to jump from the stairs to the wall ground, angle the stairs up slightly so you don't have to jump -In the sixth picture, delete the geomerged box that is in the wall -Picture 7 could have straighter barriers. -Last picture needs ground geomerging for the open double box. All this should be built to a Version 2 and would greatly increase the rating of the map.
Not too shabby. It could use better weapon placement. There's a tower that has doors sticking out the side of it, I found it a bit rough to get to the top, and when I did, there was nothing there to reward me (i.e. sniper rifle, covenant carbine, anything). The interlocking was well done, although not perfect. Pretty good for a first map with interlocking/merging. It looks like it took a lot of time and effort. Keep forgin'!
Very good for a first map, and I won't even mention interlocking as it looks like the interlock fairies have already visited you. I love the box in the back hallway, and the box up in the wall even though it is completely random.