
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The Alb1n0, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. The Alb1n0

    The Alb1n0 Ancient
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    The Alb1n0

    Supported Gametypes:

    Map Description
    Cadical is a 2v2v2 map. It was supossed to be for 2v2 until my friend ( thanks Squigy) taught me how to geomerge (This is my first Geo merging so please tell me if anything is bad).Well any way, Cadical has a layout that I haven't seen before. Its not one of those maps that has a house or a waterfall its just pure competitive. It has great playability, which is so much fun. I don't really have a custom gametype for this, so just make your own. =)


    A Base

    B Base


    Sniper Spawn (with Non-Campable Fusion Coils)

    MBRAT (Multi Barrel Rotating Artillery Turret) or Non-movable Warthog.


    More GeoMerging
    Brute Shot Spawn

    Wall GeoMerging

    I would like to thank SniperSev07 and SquigleyDoodle for testing the map. Also I thank GameyGAME Freak for giving me some Ideas. Also My friend SniperSev07, is making me a video for the map on youtube, it will be up soon.:)

    Download Link:
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    for your first geomerging, its amazing, how did you get that box in the hallway? but other than that, the map could use some work, i see several places where i could help you, to make your map better, if you'll send me a FR i'll help.

    gt stin10
  3. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    there are some interlocking problems like in the first pic move the single boxes down a bit so they dont mess up the slanted surface
    having open double boxes on there side is a bad idea there pretty hard to jump into
    interlock the slanted surface and the fence bridge and the stairs
    having bunkers with barriars is a bad idea interlock walls into them so you can just see over

    if you fix all these things you will have a very good map but because there is so many problems i will not DL
  4. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    this map could use some work, you seem to ahve interlocked kind of messily, and you have over used barriers in my opinion
    with some help (from stin hes a good forger) this map will turn out pretty good
    wats the point of that warthog, could of just used a turret
  5. The Alb1n0

    The Alb1n0 Ancient
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    Yeah I thought people would say that. I didnt show that much in the pics. And I geomerge it in the wall in front of the tunnel and keep on doing it until its back there.
  6. The Alb1n0

    The Alb1n0 Ancient
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    I used the warthog turret because it rotates.
  7. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    really good map although the interlocking is very sloppy i would clean the map up a little and make a v2. teh geomerging is great btw 3.5/5
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This map needs a lot of work, here are the things needing a few adjustments:

    -The angled ground in the first picture needs some adjusting in the back area.
    -You should slightly geomerge the open boxes into the ground so you don't have to jump in and out of them
    -You should make the barriers straighter in picture 2
    -You have to jump from the stairs to the wall ground, angle the stairs up slightly so you don't have to jump
    -In the sixth picture, delete the geomerged box that is in the wall
    -Picture 7 could have straighter barriers.
    -Last picture needs ground geomerging for the open double box.

    All this should be built to a Version 2 and would greatly increase the rating of the map.

    ANGERMAX Ancient
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    Not too shabby. It could use better weapon placement. There's a tower that has doors sticking out the side of it, I found it a bit rough to get to the top, and when I did, there was nothing there to reward me (i.e. sniper rifle, covenant carbine, anything). The interlocking was well done, although not perfect. Pretty good for a first map with interlocking/merging. It looks like it took a lot of time and effort. Keep forgin'!
    #9 ANGERMAX, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2008
  10. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Very good for a first map, and I won't even mention interlocking as it looks like the interlock fairies have already visited you. I love the box in the back hallway, and the box up in the wall even though it is completely random.

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