Dodgeball SL

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Seaboro Kibbles, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sink Line Dodgeball provides a nice cheat-proof game of dodgeball. It is KotH because what happens when a player walks into the center hill line, the players traits decrease, immobilizing the player until death.This divides the two sides while you can still jump and walk like normal.

    I'm tired of people posting shitty dodgeball maps, I thought I would make this great game the way it should be.

    Dodgeball have been played in halo for a long time, it is intense if you’re fine with obliging with honor rules and booting the odd douche. With this game, you don’t need honor rules, making it the most pure dodgeball game I know. This is where true sticking ability is displayed, in a very explosive way.

    - This is the only dodgeball/’nadeball game I know that doesn’t limit visibility, range, movement, requires no honor rules and is cheat-proof -
    - SL stands for sink line, the area covered by the hill -
    - Total function of this game relies on the map, this means players and gametypes supported, whether it’s cheatable, overall fun, things like that -

    This is the video made by Game Over Studios.
    These guys didn't even tell me they made the video, I just stumbled across it. Regardless, thanks Game Over Studios.


    NOTE: Please read this before asking questions, your answer is probably here :NOTE

    The Sink Line
    Is the area covered by the hill, this is how the arena is divided; it’s what makes this game unique. A player’s traits while on the sink line is different than off hill, they become dead slow and have high gravity. This is why I call it a sink line because it makes you sink. Your also weak, powerless and have a waypoint, all you can do is die or walk slowly out of the hill if it is a bad map.

    This is Front Line’s sink line, someone is trying to jump over, it’s incredibly difficult.

    Party Leader Tips
    Your party doesn’t need to understand how the Sink Line works or what percent your shield is in the game. All you need to know is to not go over the line, because you won’t be able to, and to try to stick the other team, (betrayals don’t loose any points though). All party sizes are supported, but 2v2 to 4v4 seems to be the best. 16 players gets laggy with all the explosions. Again, this requires no honor rules, so don’t be afraid of opening your party.

    This is the second version of the game, I improved a lot. When not on the hill, you have normal, 100% speed and gravity. You are armed with a gravity hammer because you can actually deflect grenades in non-laggy games, and with guns, you can shoot instead of sticking. There is a better chance to escape compared to a sword, but switching sides isn’t the end of the world. A player is just strong enough to die from one stick, and shields recharge 200% so sticking is the only way to kill someone. These are just a few of the areas I tuned in this game.

    If missing, count as unchanged.
    -score to win = unlimited
    -team king of the hill = enabled
    -king of the hill settings
    - -team scoring = sum of team
    - -on hill points = 0
    - -uncontested control points = 0
    - -off hill points = 0
    - -kill points = 1
    - -hill movement = no movement
    - -hill movement order = random
    - -on hill traits
    - - -shields and health
    - - - -damage resistance = 10%
    - - - -shield multiplier = no shields
    - - - -shield recharge rate = -25%
    - - - -shield vampirism = disabled
    - - - -immune to headshots = disabled
    - - -weapons and damage
    - - - -damage modifier = 0%
    - - - -grenade regeneration = enabled
    - - - -infinite ammo = enabled
    - - - -weapon pickup = enabled
    - - -movement
    - - - -player speed = 25%
    - - - -player gravity = 200%
    - - - -vehicle use = none
    - - -sensors
    - - - -motion tracker mode = off
    - - -appearance
    - - - -waypoint = visible to everyone
    -weapons and vehicles
    - -primary weapon = gravity hammer
    - -secondary weapon = none
    - -weapons on map = no weapons
    - -grenades on map = map default
    - -vehicle set = map default
    - -indestructible vehicles = disabled
    - -custom powerup traits
    - - -duration = 10 seconds
    - - -shields and health
    - - - -damage resistance = invulnerable
    - - - -shield multiplier = 2x overshields
    - - -weapons and damage
    - - - -damage modifier = instant kill
    - - -appearance = good camo
    -general settings
    - -number of rounds = 1
    - -time limit = 7 minutes
    - -base player traits
    - - -shields and health
    - - - -damage resistance = 110%
    - - - -shield recharge rate = 200%
    - - - -shield vampirism = disabled
    - - - -immune to headshots = enabled
    - - -weapons and damage
    - - - -damage modifier 50%
    - - - -primary weapon = Gravity Hammer
    - - - -grenade count = none
    - - - -grenade regeneration = disabled
    - - - -infinite ammo = disabled
    - - - -weapon pickup = enabled
    - - -movement
    - - - -player speed = 100%
    - - - -player gravity = 100%
    - - - -vehicle use = none
    - -respawn settings
    - - -respawn time = 3 seconds
    - - -suicide penalty = 10 seconds
    - - -betrayal penalty = none
    - -team changing = allowed
    - -friendly fire = enabled
    - -betrayal booting = disabled


    Make Your Own Sink Line

    It is fun making the maps because you don’t have any limits, just follow these guidelines:

    1 –Your arena must have two sides completely divided by a hill that is greater than 1 box width. Once a player is in the hill, they shouldn’t be able to walk out; this is your maps Sink Line.
    2 –There should be no objects to help a player cross, unless the sink line is very wide.
    3 -The map should be covered with the grenades and equipment of your choice. Feel to put weapons, because they won't be spawned unless you turn 'weapons on map' on, then you have dodgeball, with guns.
    4 –If you use Dodgeball SL as a common gametype, I will place a link to your map on this thread beside Hostility and Front Line. You can also link to this page as a description as I did.
    5 –Awesomesauce is yummy, your map should be delicious.

    Sink Line Dodgeball, was created August 8, 2008, by me, Seaboro Kibbles, if you already made something similar to this and you want to talk, send me a message.

    #1 Seaboro Kibbles, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  2. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this should be posted in the maps section.
  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1 this is a gametype, not a map
    2 the first few lines it shows links to the maps, TheLawman23
    #3 Seaboro Kibbles, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  4. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, but it looks a whole lot more like a map post than a forge discussion post.

    ANYWAY... That's not a bad idea. I never even came close to thinking of doing this when I created Green Monster way back. And it leaved the lines of sight even more open than Dumb Cat's Arena (which I'm always touting as the best dodgeball map ever). Nice work, and thanks for the helpful tip.
  5. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, I'm going to try my hand at making an SL dogdeball map. I'll post it in the mini games map section when I'm done, and send you a message to let you know I've posted it. I'm also giving you good rep and a friend request. Awesome idea.
  6. TheLawman23

    TheLawman23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why dont you actually map a map to show for example, because this gametype is genius, but the fact that your telling us to make our own map that magically fits these guidelines outta the blue is going to keep some people from downloading.

    5/5 for gametype
    -3.2674/5 for lack of map

    Apoligizing for previous comments (didnt pay enough attn., big shock from me)
    so no lack of map at all
    #6 TheLawman23, Sep 28, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  7. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so did you make the map? or what is this?

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