i know there are many good switchmakers on this site, so i have a little challange for all of you. who remembers the elevator on ivory tower, the way it just kept going up, then to the left, than down again in a never ending cycle. well the challange is to make such a switch. its not really a contest, but whoever makes the best one will recieve +rep from several people. once you have completed your switch, you can post it here on this thread, you are welcome to use it in a map, and then post that here as well. I AM NOT GOING TO STEAL YOUR SWITCH, i am actually going to try it myself, but i want to see what you guys come up with. good luck.
that sounds hard but it would add a whole lot of new ways to get around. my guess would be to just have 4 grav lifts pointing in the right direction and have a pallet guided buy walls and whatnot. if i try it out, i will post it
LMFAO! so you decided to take my idea from God Of Forge Contest and now you are taking the elevator from ivory tower? You should come up with your own switch idea.
well i said that wrong, he isnt stealing this idea, i was just a little pissed about what he said in my thread. i guess he isnt stealing this idea since its just an elevator. sorry about that stin i was just a little pissed