
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by BarkusTheMan 1, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    The common elevator I see in most forge maps are quite simple.
    You press yourself against a wall and you shoot up.
    These may get the job done, however, they are not at all pleasing to the eye or fun to use.
    I am constantly thinking of ways to use forge outside of the box.
    The first time I discovered the usage of switches, it intrigued me. I loved the idea.
    This is my first real attempt at a switch and I believe I pulled it off quite well.
    I also believe that I have developed a new and innovative way to make an elevator, so without further ado, I give you...

    With these pictures, you can see step by step exactly how this unique elevator works.

    Like many switches, it all starts with a fusion coil and a powerup.

    Enter the shaft and retrieve the custom powerup.

    This causes the fusion coil to fall into the mancannon, which propels it into the wall

    The explosion destroys the gravity lift,

    which spawns one under the crate,

    sending you skyward!


    To prepare the elevator for it's next usage, simply destroy the grav lift with a spike grenade (provided at the entrance).

    Download SHAFT! here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

  2. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    hey nice elevator. it looks nicely made 0but n0ot to practical in the sense that in a game you wont want to destroy a lift after you use it. other than that it is well made and interesting ly done...4/5
  3. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    You talk about how normal elevaters are lame where you push into a button and it shoots you upward...
    then you posted an elevator where you push the bottom and shoot up...
    are you dissing yourself or what?
    i'm confused
  4. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Would you mind if i implemented this into an up-coming map of mine?
    it looks pretty sweet and good looking
  5. drak

    drak Ancient
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    the thing is, i have found that custom powerups in elevators have one big flaw.....if the elevator doesnt come back down in time, the custom powerup will be stopping it from doing so.....NOT GOOD

    also, i like the elevator, but you need to change from fencewalls at the top, to teleporter/weapon holders, as you can go through them, but they DO stop the crate....I like your neatly made shaft for the elevator though....also, try and be more original with switches, unless its your first one (your freebee) so make something original!


    He means probably like the stair ladders wher eyou have mancannons push you up....just saying?
  6. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Ya I got confused too. I was all excited for the "new and innovative" elevator but it's just the same as the rest... I guess you could consider it new because usually there is already and grav lift under the box and the power-up is holding it down, but the switch itself is the same as most doors... Granted this elevator looks way better than most others, but in all practicality, it is the same.

    Also I don;t know if this belongs in the Aesthetic Maps section. I mean... it does look nice but it's not really a map.
  7. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    I love when people try to help other people to make better maps. This looks like it could help a lot of people, but is it budget glitched?
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Should have flipped the double box that leads to the elevator. ANYWAY, I like that you are opening up new ways and designs for switches. This is the type of thing that bungie doesn't predict there fanbase will come up with, so that's tight. As the guy above said, you shouldn't use fenced walls because you can't go through them. Great job with the idea. 4.7/5
  9. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    This is nicely made, however this is a design which is unique but only in the sense that its slightly under-developed compared to the 2 way working elevator at H3 Artificer :( Still it looks pretty and probably will be used in maps so grats :)
  10. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    Nice lift. I think that it is very well made, but I have seen many like this. Sooo...I challenge you to make a lift with not only an on switch, but an off switch as well! I have never seen a map with that, and if you could successfully complete a lift like that I will call you god. lol. Otherwise nice job on the lift you have already made.
  11. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    I mean the type where you shoot up and it pushes you out. But I don't have anything against that type, in fact, I just used one in a map I just made.

    Of course!

    No, it is not. But of course you could use that new budget glitching technique that BuddhaCrane discovered.

    Huh? The crate respawns at the bottom, it doesn't fall if that's what you mean.

    I cannot believe I didn't think of that! Thank you!

    I shall accept this challenge.
  12. drak

    drak Ancient
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    what i mean is,, is that when the crate is up, and you chuck a grenade and kill the grav lift, and when the crate is coming back down, the problem is, if the custom powerup already spawned, you won't be able to go back down unless someone get the powerup out of the way!
  13. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Well its not too different from some things I see around the net, but its well made. Resettable elevators aren't exactly new you know. Its still a high quality elevator that tops most I've seen. Most I see can't be reset manually, though.

    Final Score: 4/5

    I'd suggest making a fusion coil you have to shoot to blow up the grav lift, instead of a spike grenade. It would make it much cleaner.
  14. Atomsmash

    Atomsmash Ancient

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    Oh this is a nice made version of elevators. Cool job on the button thing!
  15. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    Never seen this before, though havn't seen many switches at all. This can be helpful for my new mapzz, thankzz. 5/5 and a DL to check it out better!
  16. ZeroXFallen

    ZeroXFallen Ancient
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    The shaft itself is beautiful..

    Cough. Anyways, nice Elevator. Not too different, but cool nonetheless. Though, i'll always use the simplest way of Crate + Equipment G-Lift. :p
  17. Corey D97

    Corey D97 Ancient
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    how do you reset it from the top??
  18. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    that is awesome, it looks like it's completely bug free. I say it is a definite 5 out of 5 good job.
  19. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments everyone! I am very satisfied with the feedback on this!

    to Corey D97: Unfortunately there is currently no way to reset the crate from the top, but I'm sure once I put my mind to it I will be able to think of something.

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