Working on puncuation now lol Welcome to FH I just wanted to let you know that you must support your statements on why or not you liked or disiked the map. If you don't your futute includes lots of infractions and -rep.
on your pic you have the geomerged wirespool but you cant geomerge moveable objects unless your in forge so i dont see how you did that
Lol. If i were you, I'd change the text to a different color because those still using oldschool can't read it. This map by the way is in my top 3 maps. It will be featured sooner or later. I'll download v2 once my xbox is back from microsoft. Damn red lights.
I can't read it UNLESS I'm using oldschool. Great map! The use of movable object merging is very sweet. What if you merged the roadblocks in, so they were breakable but you'd get stuck if you tried walking into them? Bluedevil, please take your text off blue. The blue-black backround is hard to see ( am colorblind in green red, maybe it's blurry for other reasons) I hope that you make the next skater map with Scarfaced, I might be there too. Anyways, beautiful map as I stated previously! You did a lot of fantastic geomerging, I couldn't expect better, you went overboard! I'm checking out the video for sure!
There I changed the color. SHEESH! I have people with the new skin and the old skin and a person who is color blind! I hope red is good enough...
This is a great map GD, i had fun play testing it with you once you got the spawns worked out the gameplay was phenomenal, definately worth a donwload this map is begging for a feature
feature Feature FEATURE. jk this map is really awesome. I've known about the movable object thing for a while but it is so rarely used. And about that geoglitching i feel you there. on wit the gameplay. this map was obviously well tested and thought out. starting with smgs is better than ars but i would think brs is still the best. i like how the flag carrier is golden, and this is the first time ive ever seen an elevator used well in a map.
wow i really like the uniqueness of this map. i also like how you geo-merged the box into the ground on the edge as apposed to on its side. 5/5
How come you didn't tell me you posted the map? I'm not going to say: ''I think it looks awesome''. Know why? Cause I know it's awesome. Map layed out for basically every Competitive Gametype you want to play. It's got everything. A dl Must for everyone. How much did Shock change of what I did to it? Anyways, congrats on the popular map, hope it gets featured dood =]
Shock did some adjusting to the respawn areas and deleted and moved some other respawns too. You both were huge helps and I don't evan know how to thank you guys. I am glad you like it. *pics now updated too*
The changes really make this map alot better i was there with bloodfire and you when he went over the map with you and we tested the new version it has come a short wa but that doesnt mean its crappy its even better than before awsome job gd ps dont delete me on xbl ill be back on inabout 4 weeks
Hey great job on this, this map looks very complex and makes foundry look big. Good Job on interlocking, gameplay should be incredible
Ugh. Im just going to post this cause... These are my thoughts. I hate it. Bad. I've never liked it. It's not map that I wants me to keep playing it all night. It's nothing new. Same boring thing. Merged this, elevated that. Etc etc. The interlocking is sloppy and the spawns fail. I didn't like the gameplay. The top is too overpowered and can spawn camp. No one uses the ghost, which is pointless. And no one uses the turret. Again, pointless. I just don't like this map. It could of been better.
Turret? Ghost? What are you taking about? Thats all the stuff I spent time deleting and fixing with Bl00d F1r3 and a lot of other mods and prems. Check the pics again. I updated the new version's pics this afternoon.
Dude just because you hate Blue Devil doesn't mean you have to hate his maps. His maps use great interlocking and geomerging. And until Now no one knew how to merge movable objects with the geometry of the map. So you are no where in the League of BlueDevil so shut up!!!! and apologe for saying such bullshit before I kill you on Xbox Live!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah moderators I'm sorry I sad that but albyhouse is a hater for no reason
Oh yea thanks for saying my face got owned by Scarfac3d. Not fair. Lucky head shot. Not my fault. Lol but thanks anyways.
Yeah, I loved playing da map. Who killed me in that pic though??? Anyways, I love the map and the very clean and straight geomerging and interlocking. I can't wait to play the remake of the map your making! Cheers, Happy Forging, and place whatever you think is random here, Jedi Eli