Infinite Will it ever end? Description: Experience the chaotic explosions of Infinite, a never-ending cycle of death, where survival is not to be taken for granted. A fun map to play when you're bored and all of that strategic gameplay is getting old. This should keep you and your buddies entertained and on your toes. Fusion coils litter the center of the mostly empty map, along with two carefully placed cannons. A fusion coil drops from the middle, starting an explosion that does not end. You will constantly be trying to dodge exploding fusion coils and propane tanks, while trying to make it to one of the four corner turret guns to take out your enemies. Alternately, you can wait for one of the weapons to be launched in your general direction, so that you may attempt to take out the opposition with a carefully placed shot. Vehicles can also be used, but are not recommended, as they usually don't stay in one piece for very long. Good luck out there, it's rough. Experience Infinite! This map only took about 30 minutes of our time, but it is very fun to play on. Please don't rate by picture only. If you're going to review the map, at least download it and play it with at least 3 other people. Thanks and enjoy! Recommended Gametype: Slayer Recommended Players: 4-8 Created by: ANGERMAX, Catman87, Crankshaft47
The reason I did not post 12 pictures is because all you're going to see is explosions. Look at the above picture, and imagine a turret gun in each corner, and weapons that constantly scatter everywhere. That's the map. It's really one of those things that you just have to download to experience. Pictures won't do it justice. So as I stated above, if you want to review the map, please download and play it. If not, it does not bother me, I have a lot of fun on it, and just thought I'd share it with others who were interested =)
You might want to get this moved into the mini-game section... Anyway, I really don't know what to say. I'm sorry to break your balls, but anyone with the right sense can put falling fusion coils on Foundry. Not to mention it's has been done countless times. It kills me to rate before playing... but I just don't know if I'm missing something here.
I figured it may have been done before, but if it has I haven't run across it. I'm not expecting praise, I just thought some might want to get the enjoyment from this map that I have. And it's not falling fusion coils, there is only 1 falling coil to "get the ball rolling", so to speak. Everything that happens thereafter is chaos.
I admire you for posting a map that you just hope will bring joy to atleast one kid. Honestly, to me, this seems boring, but you know that somebody will like it, and so you posted it. Who cares if everyone doesnt like it, there is always those kids out there that will, so thank you for posting it. And i dont know, but it could be fun, you cant judge a book by its cover, which is the point you were getting across in your description. And for the record, i havent seen something like this posted. But yeah, post this in the mini-games section and you will probably get more downloads.
I would try to write a useful comment but to be truthful, it has been done many times before and not everyone likes these maps. Also, try not to double post in a thread, you can get an infraction or warning. (Then again it looks like a post has been deleted so scratch my last comment.) EDIT: Also, don't rate your own maps, it is up to the community after all.
I don't like constant explosions, it just makes a bunch of noise, which bothers me. Maybe everyone once in a while this would be fun. . . . or maybe if I just got the game. Don't know. I wouldn't have posted this on Forgehub, because there isn't much forging. Bungie maybe. But If you have fun on it, I guess that's all that matters. -Vivian Edit: Hazza, I think someone deleted a comment that was between his two, you can see a quote, but where'd it come from? Exactly. No biggy though.
I'm not at all doubting the fun that may come out of playing this map. Sometimes the most simple, dull-looking maps are the most fun. But a big thing is ongoing explosions usually causes a lag.
Yeah someone had a comment up there that said "post more pictures plz" that must have been deleted for some reason or another. You're right about there not being much forging. And no, it's not a map that you can play all the time because of the constant explosions, but it's good for enjoyment when you're sick of everything else.
Well, I'm kind of gonna agree with the other guys. When you post a map, you have to ask yourself a question. If somebody has about 5 or less slots on their harddrive left for new maps, do you think they would pick yours out of all the maps here on forgehub? If the answer is no, well then I would not expect a whole bunch of downloads, if any at all. If that still doesn't bother you, than I guess it's okay to post it. Otherwise it's really pointless.
Well, there are 9 downloads already, so obviously someone is interested. I don't care whether you downloaded it or not, I put it here for those looking for something different and whacky to do.
Aaw come on! Where have all of the good forgers gone?!? I really, really hate having to make negative comments about maps on forgehub, but this is really just a lazy map. Anybody who knows the instant respawn glitch could make this. The only point of having fusion coils and propane tanks spammed on any map is if you're making a launching device, or if you're trying to reach the other 6 or so foundries.