Don't get pissed at me. I'l I'm saying is that, even though you say your trying to make things "simpler" your really making them wayyy more complicated than they need to be.
i'm not pissed off i really don't care but which is easier? 1.the 6 judges agree a time they can all make it get in a party and play all the maps until they are done. 2.each judge has to download each map{i had to delete other stuff to accomdate these}then has to find at least 5 other people who are prepared to play 6+ maps all with the same gametype and replaace anyone who quits this means has to done over days not all at once and i did ask the other judges what they thought but it really dosen't matter now
Your right, #1 sounds easier. However, there were complications that made doing all that together impossible. #2 was fine. I did it, it was easy. Stop being a little baby about it and quit complaining man!
I got with the creators, and asked them to "sell" me how good their map is.....I wanted to see how truthful they could be.....I spent 30 minutes to an hour on each map, just trying to break it.....I then playtested thouroughly, and found that some maps lost all motivation from everyone, and quickly changed, as not to lose the party....(dun worry, I pleaded with them to get it back to those maps, and i got them) So, can i haz 4000 microsoft points, as I judged promptly, thoroughly, and truthfully. Cheers, -sdrakulich
could I possibly be a judge for the next contest? I find this quite interesting. Btw if I judge can I still submit a map??
I can't wait for the next one, I can put effort into epitaph, which has never been done, ever. Ezekiel, just because you failed to get your results in in a timely fashion does not mean that my anger was misplaced. There is no true ban on profanity here, and it was only out of line because it invovled you. Obviously not all the judges had a hard time with what you did, so don't judge again, simple as that. Try giving out -rep on something meaningful, like spam, or a hub-hater.
Draco- are you , slightly, retarded? I'm sorry if that sounds weird, but read the actual thread dude! Its not that hard! The contest ended WEEKS ago.