Lol that does look hard .. And yes that is what she said =] Nice screenshot .. =] That geomerge must of taken ages! This would be a nice touch in some maps .. Not sure what it can be used for though ..
I counter your trap card with my BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON. Your merge doesn't look that difficult really, you should go talk to TDHarding about the stuff - he's the "Merging Master" in my opinion. Also, lawl to see you here at the site. "We have lives!!!1! D,:". EDIT: @ The above posters, I lol'd a bit. :s
I think I at least know how you did it... Maybe, get a dobule box up to that height, and then slowly start pushin it into that wall using braces to hold it steady?
Pics, or I don't believe you. Just because of the fact that double and single boxes don't fit into the armory space, AND all the piping and whatnot outside of it, makes it too uneven to merge practically.
Nice, how did you get the box in their because in a map I'm making i'm considering adding cover into the hallways. I've only ever seen it done once before.
This is fairly easy, i could probably do this in about 15 minutes. Me and linubidix have experimented with this lots, all you have to do is get it in there through some of the walls, then use doors and window panels to straighten it out. that box doesn't even look straight, though.
See to be truthful. The only reason it's called the hardest geomerge is because we didn't actually do anything. We were minding our own business forging and the runtime max was set to 10, but it said only 9 were placed... And when we went and looked around. We saw this double box, pre-merged into the armory. So we didn't actually do anything, it just merged itself... which is why I think it's funny...because it IS hard to get a box to merge itself. lol