.......Tournaments that is Insted of using Xbox Live for tournament set-ups, Why dont you use Xink Kai or Xbox Connect? That way, You have a less likely chance of lag, Also, its easier to contact each other, through the intergrated chat program in the Program lobby. Also, As long as your connected to Xbox live it will still record your game data.
One of the (many) reason(s) why we wouldn't use such a system is because a lot of people don't have a clue what it is, myself included. Do you really think its gonna be easier trying to get everyone to do something other than simply going into Custom Games and inviting the people who you're meant to be playing?
Its a system which allows you to play online through the system link. Its the same as Xbox live but a bit less lag. Its as simple as joining the game. Connect to the computer lobby then connect to the game through Join game in system link.
Some of us are not located near a computer to play and some people have their computers in rooms with no freakin air conditioning.
You dont need to be on a PC the whole time, You open the program join the correct lobby wait for your competitor to join and then start the game. With no interuption of lag and/or people from Xbox live.
Yes. But once you select the game to join on there you dont need to touch the PC again till you want to join another game. In the public lobby you dont need to touch the PC at all.
You think Im trying to give out a virus dont you? XLink Kai: Evolution VII. Global Network Gaming. <-- Link to software. Trust my forgehub account on this, Its safe. Or send me to banned-land It also allows you to play online with Xbox, Xbox 360, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Playstation 3 and PSP. YES I SAID PSP PLAYSTATION PORTABLE.
I just think this would be too advanced for some of us members. Besides I use mac because it is ftw. FTW
I'm sorry, but instructing members to download and install software on their PC so that they can play in the tournament isn't what we're about. Its a nice idea and all, but there are just too many issues that could be raised.