There is no all. The, wierd vector thing in the background really destroyed it. Maybe if you did something related to GOW, such as the Skull in a Gear and placed it behind the focal, would of been better. Also, that red stuff was kind of random, Idk what you were trying to achieve with it, but uhm..I would suggest blending it better or, just simply taking it out. So yea, it's alright, I is your first one, so all you can do now is improve :lol:
Well in my old sigs i put a background in then a render on left or right then have something else related to the game the render is off .. If it is a game that is .. I like for zelda i put link in then had a triforce in teh background with a opacity have like 50 .. mess around with the opacity to make it look its best! =]
It does have a flow, but I aggree with you that it shouls have a gears logo in the bg instead of thouse circles, it has to be in black & white though.
I don't like the red going over the renders face. It makes it so the render doesn't stand out as much. Not bad though and as was said all you can do is improve.