I finally took a night to beat halo3 on legendary because someone told me your skill level will increase much quicker if you have beaten it on legendary oppose to someone who has only beat it on normal.... Is this true?
Never heard of this and doubt it is true... A friend I play with has not beaten the game on Legendary, and he ranks up just fine - seemingly no different from me.
Well, if you beat it on legendary, you are more likely to have skills like finding cover and grenade dodging. This means more wins, and faster ranking.
In terms of experiance playing the game then you'd rank up faster, as naturally you'd be better after playing Legendary. But apart from that theres no link between campaign and rank.
Actually, you will rank up faster because after beating legenday you have alot more skill. Also, i reccomend doing it withing scoring and 3 or 4 skulls on. Use catch skull, that way you get good at using and dodging grenades. Also, campaign scoring lets you know when you get headshots and lets you know how fast you did the level.
You wouldn't necessarily have more skill , but you would most likely have more experience playing the game. So it probably doesn't directly rank up faster.
I haven't even tried it on legendary (just don't feel like playing campaign again) and I am actually pretty good. I have something like a 1.4 k/d streak.
I would agree. I actually don't think playing campaign helps you get much better. Most of the guys stand still and take three head shots to kill. I have a 1.64 in Ranked, and 1.97 in Unranked. I haven't beat the campaign on Lengendary yet and I have already gotten my 50 (just got it 2 days ago!)
This is ridiculous, they are in no way related. in campiagn there are way different scenarios thrown at you than when in multiplayer.
The Campaign scenarios are completely different, and mildly scripted. It's just something to do by yourself when you're bored, or are tired of people screaming at each other in MM.