Well I am still starting out on the whole forging and its techniques to building a great map. And this is my second outing and my first original map as well. I started doing this map and since I am new at it had a long time at working on it as well. Also had a small problem with my save corrupting at one point and I had to start over, but its done. But enough with the small talk, you're here for the map. The map is called Fountain (obviously), and the main idea for me to do this was to make a symmetrical map. Well I got bored at work and came up with the idea when looking though some old blogs, and found one that mentioned my first road trip with my wife to Kansas City (not much I know), and the city is known as the city of fountains. Well you all know where that is going... The map is on the smaller side but, it can be played very hectically with larger groups. I set it up so all games can be played on it, but Infection may not work out as well as it can be played with other maps. There is however an extra turret mounted on Red Base that can be used in asymmetrical maps only, but because of its position, it can be used only for longer range damage. Oh and for those that want to move it, I hope you like the ammo provided, because it does not spawn back. Here is a panorama: I don't want to claim to be the first, but I have searched through numerous posts from the beginning here and have yet to run across another person's map that uses Foundry diagonally, and figured that could be somewhat a challenge for me and something unique to play with. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 (the areas in white are the levels I am referring to) The weapons on the map are as follows: 2x Assault Rifles 30 sec 2 clips 2x Battle Rifles 30 sec 2 clips 2x Sniper Rifles 90 sec 1 clip 2x Maulers 45 sec 1 clip 2x Spikers 20 sec 2 clips 2x Plasma Rifles 20 sec 2x Covenant Carbines 90 sec 1 clip 1x Machine Gun Turret no respawn (Asymmetrical Only) Objects: 2x Bubble Shields 8x Frag Grenades 10 sec 4x Plasma Grenades 10 sec (lvl 2) 4x Plasma Grenades 90 sec (lvl 3) 2x Mongooses 120 sec The Mongooses I put in there to see how well they would pan out, so far I enjoy them, and it takes someone with a little more skill to go in the entire circle without hitting a wall or two. That way they can get you places fast, but they are not all too over powering for CTF games to get in and out too quickly. Plus if they are destroyed, that team will be down the wheels for 2 minutes. But now for all to judge, the pictures. I tried my best to make sure I got some better ones to make sure to help show off the map a bit more. So here they are: Red Base Blue Base (almost identical to Red Base) Sniper Spawn under Blue Base (gave it a Sanctuary feel) From inside Red Base during CTF The Fountain (lvls 2 and 3) The Hallway under Level 2 to the "Fountain Lift" Going Up! Going Up! (from outside on the 2nd level) Looking down at Blue Base from the top of the Fountain (lvl 3) That's all the pictures I've got, sorry for no action ones. But here is the link: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Hmmmm, i dunno about u, but this looks like a first post? If it is then you were just like me bout 4months ago, i posted my first map hoping for great feeedback but it didnt really turn out as i hoped and i think its going the same way for you. First off. GREAT IDEA, very original in my opinion and nice interlocking, but it looks like gameplay could get a bit boring with the majority of the map being campable so imo (even though ive never been a fan/supporter of this) u should make a version 2 or try building a new map based on this same concept, i dunno. it might work out, it might not. but for now 3.5/5 and nice work. keep it up
Wow, the interlocking is very clean and well done! aesthetics are great! and the symmetry is...well symmetrical, diagonally. and yes red base is basically blue base, very nice!
Goodness, this is a fantastic looking map! Tight interlocking, nice, multi-level layout, a few aesthetic niceties, doesn't look too escapable, decent weapon selection, nice presentation... I'd say this one's a winner. It's not totally original, but it's good at what it does. That's all that matters to me!
Fountain by R3D DRAGON "I don't want to claim to be the first, but I have searched through numerous posts from the beginning here and have yet to run across another person's map that uses Foundry diagonally, and figured that could be somewhat a challenge for me and something unique to play with." R3D DRA6ON Im not sure i can think of any other maps that use Foundry diagonally like you have. Im sure they exsist but the point still stands that the first good thing about the map is that it is unconventional in its use of the Foundry space. Yeah two bases and a centre structure has been done to death but not diagonally. It gives the map an interesting proportion as it is long and thin. The map is well constructed all the merging is nicely done. Nothing new or suprising here just a good well done. I do not know how comfortable you are with geo-merging but i would suggest that it might be an idea, if you decide to update the map, to geo merge the diagonal outside walls to get rid of the gaps there currently. Easy way to lose grenades. Though why you would be chucking grenades there i do not know. Forgehub, in general, seems to be picky about that kind of thing though. Also geo-merging this area would just make the map look nicer. The bases are nice and suit there purpose but are nothing unique and new. Same with the fountain. This should not however be taken in a bad light. They are well constructed its just that compared to some structures i have seen on this website they are not the most complex. I do however like how you made the chute up to top fountain. You never catch on any lips and i like how you can watch people travelling up through the fence walls/shield door combo. So that was really good. With the way the centre structure is built moving around the side of the map seems just as viable as traveling across the top. Top middle has cover but not too much reducing the weighting of the area and not making it too important. The use of top fountain is some what restricted because of its view of the map and both bases. Its a great place to support team pushes on a base in CTF games. I do have one issue with it though, you are able to jump from top fountain onto the two upright double boxes on Blue base with much less hassle than the same jumps to red base. Leaving me fearing an unbalance in favour of Red base. This unbalance should not be too big a deal but if a team chose to actively exploit it you may find it has a bigger affect on games. Not a lot to say on weapon placement. Every weapon and item is mirrored and therefore perfectly balanced. Bubble shield right next to the maulers might cause some headaches. Oh and also DRA6ON just my opinion but Mauler (45 respawn) with a spare clip! Ouch... Too much. Its very dangerous considering the closeness of the Bubble Shields (60 respawn, you forgot to put this on your weapon list btw). The whole sniper/sanctuary thing i did not get it. Maybe you could explain that to me. Im assuming you mean the Halo 2 map and i played that a lot yet cannot work out what the connection is. Might just be me missing the obvious though. The turret has a relatively limit firing arc over the map so is not too powerful. Took me much longer than it should have to work out how to get to the turret though! Felt kind of stupid when i finally worked it out. Certainly is not obvious. Brings me to another balance issue. If your able to get ontop of the right boxes from inside the Red base. Would it not be a good idea to give the Blue team the same opportunity? The spawning of this map is pretty sound. A couple spawns on top middle that are a bit open and might lead to some annoying spawn kills but this should not happen too often. the use of spawn areas especially in CTF games is a wise one. I first thought that the flag away spawn area was too close to the other team's base but the Mongoose involvement means that it makes much more sense now. The map is very nice and relatively unqiue in its shape but not its content. There are a few little things you could change here and there to improve the way the map looks and plays. If you addressed a couple of the issues i have raised this could be a really fun Team map. I SeNTiNeL I
Wow, this is the first time I've commented on someone else's map in almost two months. Anyway, I'm sure people have made maps run diagonally before, but it's still a good idea and helps freshen gameplay up a bit. The bases seem like pretty standard fare, very neat and MLG-like (not like that's a bad thing). I'm not liking the unflipped bridge ramp, but that's just me being picky. No major problems here. I don't think there's enough cover on level two, it seems possible to be shot from too many places while on that middle-central deck. I've noticed you've got a couple barriers there, maybe you should expand that and use more movable objects for cover there. The top level is my biggest concern. A player with a sniper and/or BR up there could dominate one team relatively easily. He can't see the middle deck below him, but he has commanding control over both bases. If players on the opposing team get killed and spawn in their base, this player up top gets a decent opportunity to spawnkill. And if he checks radar, he can camp the lift as well to make sure nobody else gets up there. I'd suggest making the top "fountain" area reachable from the top of both bases by a jump or series of jumps. That would help balance the area out a bit. It is a very solid map though, following these hints can hopefully make it near-perfect.
Sadly I am new at the whole geo-merging and everytime I tried to merge the wall it would either freak out and slip through the ground, or only a tiny bit went in and it was not straight, or it didn't stay level. I got frustrated numerous times over this, and if there is someone that could help me fix this issue, then I'd take notes and hopefully be able to do it myself someday with better results. I'll look into a way to fix this, but I am low on objects so it may take me a bit to figure out a way to do this without making it either campy or not interlocked. But I'll still try. I'll drop on the clip and up the bubble shield respawn. I think that would balance it a bit better I believe. I was just pointing out that each base has a Sniper Rifle just like Sanctuary, I didn't mean that to sound like the layout was the similarity here. With the fix of the jump from the top to blue base, I think this could be fixed. I'll see what I can do. Just don't want to over crowd the 2nd level. I have an idea that could possibly fix this. But we'll see how it pans out. Thank you to those that have responded and even ranked my map. And to Sentinel and JJ for the great constructive critsisum. This help a great amount for a newbie like me. I very much appreciate it. Because I have a new map idea and plan on using this advice.